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“MasterChef Uruguay Instagram Accounts Hacked: Host and Judges Warn Fans”

The social networks of MasterChef Uruguay found themselves in the middle of a peculiar situation this week, after they The Instagram account of the Channel 10 program, as well as that of one of its drivers and jurors, was hacked.

This Wednesday, the host and member of the program’s panel, Sergio Apulia, He warned through a publication of his account on that social network of the cyberattack against the two accounts, both that of the cooking cycle and that of his colleague, Laurent Laine.

“Warning: due to what happened with the hacking of the official Instagram account of MasterChef Uruguayand that of my colleague Laurent Lainé, I notify you that if you receive any unusual messages from my account, do not respond and if possible let me know by other means,” wrote the cook.

The MasterChef account on Instagram is deactivatedand cannot be accessed.

Lainé’s, meanwhile, had a modification in its description: “I’m the gay chef from masterchef”says the account.

In the Puglia publication, a comment sent from the French cook’s account indicates that the hackers tried to negotiate with the channel to recover the account. “They tried to negotiate with channel 10 but it seems that they are kidding,” the message says.

In the same publication there are two other comments from the account: “close the ass sleeve of giles” and “I am respecting the accounts of Sergio and his other colleagues.”

2023-05-05 03:23:16
#Sergio #Puglia #denounced #hack #Instagram #MasterChef #Laurent #Lainé

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