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Massive Sinkhole on E6 Road Causes Destruction and Injuries

An unknown number of cars and a bus have ended up in the sinkhole, which is said to have taken around 150 meters of the E6 with it. Several industrial buildings are also said to have collapsed.

– Three injured people have been taken to hospital, duty officer Fredrik Flyberg of the police told news agency TT. They should be slightly damaged.

The roadway is completely destroyed, the photos from the scene show.

Photo: Mikael Berglund

– We have four vehicles that we know have ended up in the landslide area. There will be a bus and three smaller cars, says Daniel Svensmark at the Greater Gothenburg Rescue Service The Express. He says to Göteborgs-Posten that there may be several vehicles involved.

It will be difficult to get to the scene of the accident because there is still a great risk of landslides.

Huge hole

According to Evening paperst the hole at 3 o’clock was estimated to be up to 250 meters in diameter. There may also have been landslides elsewhere on the road section.

Buildings in the vicinity have also been damaged, but it should not be residential. Aftonbladet writes that a hamburger restaurant has been hit.

The roadway is broken in several places.

Photo: Mikael Berglund

The emergency services were notified at 01:45 on Saturday night

– An area of ​​several hundred meters in all directions has been affected, says Niclas Fogelqvist, supervisor of the rescue service in Greater Gothenburg.

Asking people to stay away from the area

The rescue service states that more landslides cannot be ruled out, and people are asked to stay away from the area. According to the police, the incident is expected to have “enormous” consequences for traffic for a long time to come.

A large number of people from the emergency services are in place.

Photo: Mikael Berglund

– The state’s geotechnical institute must decide how large the cordoned-off area must be, says Flyberg of the Swedish police.

The E6 is closed in both directions at Stenungsund, north of Gothenburg. A large area is also without electricity after the incident.

The place where the sinkhole is is located a little over 13 miles from the Svinesund Bridge.

2023-09-23 01:55:43
#Sinkhole #Gothenburg #people #hospital

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