Home » today » World » Massive-scale workouts to guard the Northern Sea Route have begun in North-Japanese Russia – 2024-06-27 11:15:15

Massive-scale workouts to guard the Northern Sea Route have begun in North-Japanese Russia – 2024-06-27 11:15:15

/ world as we speak information/ The Pacific Fleet is conducting the “Finval-2023” train in Northeastern Russia, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Nikolai Evmenov, the Ministry of Protection introduced.

“An train to guard the Northern Sea Route is being performed within the northeastern a part of Russia below the management of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy,” the ministry mentioned.

Tactical workouts are held within the waters of the Chukotka and Bering Seas, in addition to on the Chukotka Peninsula. They contain about ten thousand navy personnel and greater than 50 items of kit, together with floor and auxiliary ships, submarines, naval plane and helicopters, coastal missile methods “Bal” and “Bastion”, in addition to wheeled and tracked armored autos with excessive cross-country means.

“All episodes of the train are of a defensive nature and are aimed toward enhancing the preparation of forces and troops for operations on Russia’s northeastern borders,” the division notes.

The Russian military trains in air protection, anti-submarine and amphibious operations, strikes gear in Arctic terrain, and in addition participates in missile and artillery hearth.

The primary episode of the workouts was an train to strike a gaggle of ships within the northeastern Bering Sea. The crews of the guard missile cruiser “Varyag” and the nuclear submarine missile cruiser “Tomsk”, in addition to the coastal missile system “Bastion” carried out the missile strike.

Moreover, throughout workouts to defend the Northern Sea Route, Vulcan, Granit, and Onyx cruise missiles have been fired at targets within the Bering Sea, and the navy hit all of them.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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