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Massive sandals – the trend of 2022

They are everything but subtle and subtle. Massive sandals belong to a specific type of shoes, on whose account you first say “so this never” and after a few weeks, when you see how confidently they wear them fashion influencers, you think they are not so bad at all. And that’s just a step away from thinking about buying them. What we see around us shapes us, whether we realize it or not.

Sandals with a sturdy sole and wide straps continue in trend ugly shoes, which was started by sneakers evoking huge pairs from the nineties. This type of shoe does not aim to be super flattering and liking. But fashion ugliness is cool and can work as the right style dot behind a classic and more elegant outfit.

Wondering what stylish sandals to wear? You can start with casual variants, such as jeans (you can add all the cuts to them), favorites shorts (worn with jacket) or pants – even the wider ones. And because opposites attract in fashion, feel free to reach for them pants with pucks or straight after the suit. But all this, of course, provided that you want to throw the resulting impression a little and you do not long for pure elegance. You can also include skirts in the game, and even better clothesespecially those made of lighter materials.

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