the therometer is rising,the rains return.thanks for joining us. onthe eve of the deadlineso that firefighters and othersmunicipal workers ofnew york unites against himcoronavirus, afterjudges deny the claim,hundreds demonstrate againstthe mandate. explain whythis can trigger a crisispublic health and what to doto avoid it.reporter: thousands esánenraged in the city ofnew York.if you want, put one onyou scratch it, put one onAscara, but don’t tell me.Alejandro: They ask that it be respectedthe individuality of eachperson, or those who do nottrusted in vaccines,protesters assure thatno one can force them toput the injection againstthe coronavirus.the mandate imposed formunicipal workersThey start this employeesmust have at least one doseagainst is coronavirusadministered for this fridayMonday begins to be donecomply. they are obliged totake leave without pay.when everyone wasdying, they were there with thepeople of the they want to take awaywork, no!Alejandro: to whomapprove vaccines do not get vaccinatedfor religious reasons orone could save them.many are worried about chaosthat can be unleashed in newyork when themandate next Friday. thatnot enough copsto drive this carwhen you have to call 911in an emergency or todrive one of these vans.or when you have an emergencyeducation, that aparamedic in one of thoseambulances to rescue thelife. if the figure remains,was lost to 25% offirst class workersaid, garbage and othersasics. there were 10,000 copsless and firefighters couldthe mayor says there is nomarch there, who has plansfaced with a shortage of employees.move to their schedules andthey will put overtime to workmandatory.imagine, they will not be able towork well.They are human, they need a