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Massive Migrant Brawl Caught on Video in German City Center: Concerns Over Documentation Spread

Mass migration to Europe is causing massive disruption, including in Germany. In broad daylight on Friday, a large group of migrants fought in the middle of the city center, resulting in injuries. A video of the shocking scenes is now circulating online. The executive branch’s biggest concern, however, is not that it will lose control of public order – but that documentation of the scenes will spread.

Lübeck: Migrant brawl in broad daylight

This video is not for the faint of heart: out of the blue, a huge fight suddenly breaks out between several people with a migrant background. A person is beaten even after he or she is lying on the ground; some of those involved arm themselves with metal objects. As a result, at least one person had to be treated in hospital.

These are scenes that have become part of everyday life in many German cities since mass migration and the gradual reversal of the demographic majority. But this time the negative consequences of the multicultural experiment cannot be so easily covered up, because a passerby captured the scuffle on video. In the mainstream media, those involved are only “male people”.

Citizens horrified by the state of the security situation in “colorful” Germany are actively sharing the video on social media:

Police demand deletion under pretext

The executive branch is now in turmoil: it wants to prevent the circulation of the contemporary document at all costs. In return, she also threatened citizens in a press release – which also concealed the migrant background: “The police warn against the further distribution of this video and call on them to immediately delete the video from their own devices and under no circumstances to spread or share it further . This could result in criminal offenses being committed.” However, critical media questions will only be asked on Monday. The Schleswig-Holstein police also spread their call to extinguish the fire on social media.

“It’s enough if the right places see the truth”

The mere assertion of “criminal offenses” is absurd. In order for the distribution of a violent video to be punishable, the legislature usually requires the acts to be glorified or trivialized (§131 StGB), which actually does not include eyewitness videos. Theoretically, it would also be problematic to get into trouble with the police using crude, derogatory language, who would then quickly investigate for incitement (Section 130 of the Criminal Code). However, simply sharing such contemporary documents is not a criminal offense. Under civil law, copyright claims and the right to one’s own image could also be asserted.

But after a user’s objection as to whether something should be hidden here, the police account on Twitter follows up with a revealing statement that suggests that this is actually an attempt to hide the extent of the imported violence from the citizens: “It’s enough if the right authorities see the truth and investigate. This doesn’t belong in the public domain!”

Streisand Effect: Also shared internationally

But the police can no longer keep a lid on the matter, because the video of the afternoon migrant battle has long since spread across the borders. This is the famous “Streisand effect”, where the attempt to suppress unpleasant information only causes it to spread like wildfire. The name goes back to a US actress who was upset that her property was visible in an aerial photo – and thereby really generated attention for its location and existence.

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2023-09-17 21:08:12
#Police #threaten #users #share #videos

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