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Massive Ice Floe Spotted in Fram Strait: Three Times the Size of Oslo

The meteorologists writes on Twitter about a massive ice floe that has been observed in the Fram Strait.

– An ice floe three times the size of Oslo drifts south in the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. The ice sheet is 58 km long and 30 km wide and covers an area of ​​approx. 1,500 km², writes the Meteorologists.

Will form icebergs

To Dagbladet, ice analyst Trond Robertsen says that the ice sheet will move south, and then move into the Dansk Strait between Iceland and Greenland.

– Because it is so difficult, you can see a lot of ice flakes that are over four meters thick that are baked into the larger flake. These will form icebergs and drift far west, says Robertsen.

According to the ice analyst, the flake will therefore break up on the way down the Framstredet, and then drift westwards. With that, the flake is not a threat to Norway.

RARE SIGHTS: An enormous iceberg has recently broken out of Antarctica. The iceberg is three times the size of Oslo municipality. Photo: AP Show more

11 million litres

But the icebergs that are formed by the breaking up of the ice sheet can become a challenge for shipping on the southern tip of Greenland.

– Yes, it can be dangerous there – there is a lot of fishing in the area. But they are so used to it, and have a lot to deal with, he says.

He can also say that with the help of colleagues he has made an estimate for the volume of the flake.

– Loosely, it can be estimated that it contains around 6.1 trillion liters of water, if you calculate from an average thickness of 3.5 metres.

2023-06-28 11:03:45

#Ice #floes #times #larger #Oslo

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