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Massive attendance of parents with children to vaccination minga

At various points in Quito the Minga national of vaccination against him covid-19 for the family, this Sunday, November 21, 2021.

On the weekend, for the second day in a row, a massive amount of parents next to his sons to the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Public Health. The day is fulfilled in the Rumiñahui Coliseum, in the north center of the city.

The Schedule of attention are extended, that is, from 08:00 to 16:00.

In addition to the Rumiñahui Coliseum, people can also go this Sunday, to the Shopping Center Quicentro Sur (Quitumbe), Colosseum of the central University, EAT (Granados), Metropolitan Sports Center Iñaquito and Colosseum Calderon. In these places they also apply the doses against covid-19.

Tatiana well, Zonal 9 Salud coordinator, explains that this Sunday wait to inoculate, just like yesterday, to 10,000 people Come in minors and Adults. “The kids they come with their parents. Today there is more influx than yesterday ”, he assures.

The children received the doses, according to the schedule established by the Ministry of Health. Photo: Galo Paguay / EL COMERCIO

Children from 5 years to 11 years, 11 months, 29 days will receive the vaccine Sinovac. Meanwhile, from 12 years to 17 years, 11 months, 29 days will be inoculated with Pfizer. The rest of the citizens can receive vaccines as Sinovac, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and CanSino, depending on the guideline.

“I feel comfortable that my daughter receives the second dose against covid-19, especially since classes are already starting, ”explains Cecilia Chasi, mother of the family.

Adults will be able to receive the first and second doses. In addition, they will be placed vaccines from reinforcement for health personnel, older adults 65 years old and kids over 12 years old with immunosuppressive diseases.

“We are with the Vaccinate as a Family campaign to protect ourselves, so that we can live some festivities in peace, and that we have no concern about covid-19. The vaccine is safe, effective, it has managed to save lives ”, is Pozo’s message.

These vaccination mingas have the support and joint work of both the ministries from Health and Education.

Vanesa Sunio also went to the Rumiñahui Coliseum on Sunday so that her 6-year-old daughter could receive the vaccine. “It is ready for the face-to-face classes, although the care of biosecurity they must continue, ”he says.

The testimony of mothers and fathers was similar in several cases. “My 8-year-old son received the second dose of Sinovac, so we feel calmer, due to the return to class,” said Jorge Sánchez.

Wladimir Oña agrees with the rest of the parents. He says he is excited about the Covid-19 vaccine his 11-year-old son received. “This is a protective measure, it is much better to prevent.”

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