Home » today » Entertainment » Massimo Giletti in Rai is paired with Nunzia De Girolamo

Massimo Giletti in Rai is paired with Nunzia De Girolamo

Nunzia De Girolamo will arrive very soon on Rai 1 with its new program Hello Male, a talk show that, as the title suggests, will feature only men, who will have to juggle various topical topics. There will not only be characters from the political world, but also men from the world of entertainment, who in addition to the public side, will also make known the human and more intimate one.

The former MP, who will be at the helm of his new broadcast from February 13 in prime time, will have among the first guests – along with the rapper Achille Lauro and a mysterious entrepreneur – Massimo Giletti, who often invited her in his talk It is not the Arena, broadcast on La7.

The couple was interviewed on the occasion of the presentation of the new program on the weekly Chi: “He is a specimen of a complicated contemporary male – he declared Nunzia De Girolamo to Alfonso Signorini’s newspaper – I grew up in a family of females always with many male friends and a convinced feminist father who cooked for us and supported us in our aspirations ”.

Theirs – judging from the images that have gone viral that surprises them in funny poses – will be a provocative and hilarious encounter: Nunzia De Girolamo and Massimo Giletti in fact they are great friends, as confirmed by the presenter herself. “We are amazed at the complicity between a man and a woman who joke and have fun. But it exists ”, she stressed who, when asked about a possible flirtation with Giletti, added:“ No, because we are too much friends, and then I often insult him ”.

The program will land on Rai 1 shortly, after months of announcements and then denials by the flagship network, which had launched the De Girolamo talk show already in July 2020. Then in October the rumor began to circulate that Hello Male could be permanently canceled from the schedule of Rai 1.

For the former minister, however, this is not the first experience on the small screen: in addition to the hosted in the living rooms of other broadcasts as a political figure, De Girolamo had participated in the 2019 edition of Dancing with the Stars competing paired with Raimondo Todaro, with whom she has remained on excellent terms. And by the way, he could be a guest on his new talk show.

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