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Massimo Ciavarro: From 70s Heartthrob to Ashram Dweller – An Exclusive Interview

We are republishing the interview with Massimo Ciavarro from last March 15th, one of the most appreciated by our readers in 2023.

“It feels strange to talk to a journalist. I haven’t done interviews in ages.”
This is why I looked for her: to find out where Massimo Ciavarro is and what he does, the blond guy who drove women crazy in the 70s and 80s. “I won’t tell him where I am, otherwise he’ll make fun of me.”

I? Never.
“In an Ashram in the Marche”.

And what is he doing in an Ashram?
«Ascetic life, I practice yoga, Ayurvedic treatments, I live with whoever is there. Every now and then, I come here for a few days: it’s my escape from this crazy and crazy world. Suddenly we have people mangled on our doorstep, Covid, the economic and energy crisis. And there was already consumerism, social media… Then, the less I am in contact with people, the better I feel”.

But is it 5 star luxury?
“What is crazy? We sleep in a shared bedroom, we wash the dishes, we cook, we clean on a rotation basis. She works like hell. And even the treatments are hard if you have physical ailments to fix: I spent thirty years hoeing the land and nights and nights fishing”.

How did the star of photo novels, the blond boy from “Sapore di Mare 2” end up hooking up?
“It’s stranger that I ended up in photo novels and the cinema rather than that I later retired to the countryside. Since I was little I always went with my dad to a camp he had outside Rome. But dad died very early: I was 13 years old. And before he died he told me the phrase that ruined me: Massimo, this is perhaps the last time I see you, take care of your mother and your two sisters. He left me this burden at 13 years old. I took over his business, he was a trader: he bought throughout Europe and sold in Italy. But it happens that everything I bought I had to pay for and everything I sold I didn’t get paid for. So, when at 14 they offered me a photo novel, I accepted.”

Massimo Ciavarro began to make himself known in the seventies as the protagonist of photo novels for the weekly magazine «Grand Hotel»

Massimo Ciavarro and Isabella Ferrari in “Sapore di Mare 2, a year later” by Bruno Cortini: they play Fulvio and Selvaggia. The film was released in 1983, the same year as “Sapore di mare”, which was instead written and filmed by the Vanzinas. It tells of a group of boys in Forte dei Marmi in the summer of ’65

Massimo Ciavarro in “Chewingum”, from 1984, with Isabella Ferrari and Mauro Di Francesco. the comedy narrates the events of a group of students in their final year of high school in a high school in the center of Rome

Massimo Ciavarro and Catherine Spaak in “And if then they go”, TV film by Giorgio Capitani (1989)

Vanni Corbellini, Elisabetta Gardini and Massimo Ciavarro in 1998 at the presentation of “A woman as a friend”: 13 TV episodes directed by Alberto Manni and Marcantonio Graffeo (Ansa)

A scene photo of Claudia Koll and Massimo Ciavarro in the Canale 5 drama “Valeria medico-legal”, which aired in 2000 for two seasons (Ansa)

In “Sapore di mare 2 – One year later” with Isabella Ferrari

Massimo Ciavarro and Eleonora Giorgi met for the first time on the set of “Sapore di mare 2 – Un anno Dopo” in 1983: he played Fulvio, the suitor of Selvaggia/Isabella Ferrari, while she was Tea Guerrazzi, a woman in looking for rich men. The proverbial love at first sight broke out between them, but at the time Eleonora was still married to Angelo Rizzoli

Massimo Ciavarro in 2008 on “The Island of the Famous”, Raidue

Grand Hotel gave her five million lire a month.
«There were many: but photo novels were popular because there was nothing else, there was no fiction, no social media, nothing. Then from there came cinema. But I never liked being an actor. To act, you have to be narcissistic, self-centered, exhibitionist. I’m the exact opposite. Of course, I couldn’t spit on a financial fortune, but cinema made me anxious and stressed, as soon as I could, I did things that were more similar to me: the agricultural company, the producer of three films and three documentaries, and today a tourist activity in Lampedusa, where I have also been organizing a film festival, Vento del Nord, with Laura Delli Colli for 14 years”.

How much is it in Lampedusa?
“From early April to early November. Going back and forth: it’s not like I’m disappearing from Rome. Now, I’m also a grandfather.”

His son Paolo, a TV presenter, met the influencer Clizia Incorvaia on Big Brother and they have a boy.
“Gabriele is one year old, he is beautiful, even though being in Lampedusa for so long, I haven’t really noticed him. But on Sunday, Clizia wasn’t there, Paolo had to play tennis and he asked me: will you keep it? I got it. The child was a little disconcerted, Paolo was terrified that I would give him things that shouldn’t be given to him. In fact, I gave him a tennis ball and Paolo left the court in a rage saying that it was dirty with dirt.”

What was it like being a sex symbol?
“What do I know… I was always stuck at home.”

The time he went out?
“They recognized me. But I was used to it: I had been writing photo novels for ten years and, in the editorial office, tons of fan letters arrived. I still get recognized today. Half of the women tell me that she had my poster in her bedroom. I’m one of those dinosaurs that everyone recognizes. Today, however, characters are born and disappear.”

In the first films, he always played the handsome boy who made everyone fall in love. Was it like this in life too?
“The opposite: I had a girlfriend, I was always with her, I built fishing nets, I sewed Roma flags. I’ve always liked building things. After that, I had a couple of years of nightlife: my shittiest years.”

Was it then that he had an affair with Moana Pozzi?
“A story? I was only there one evening. After ten exams in law, I enrolled in an acting school, the Scaletta, there was her and also Margherita Buy, already very stressed like today. Moana was very shy, sensitive, from a good family, rich. Once, we were chatting and ended up in bed.”

Moana gave it a score of 6.
“That’s what he wrote in his book, since I hadn’t taken off my boxers.”

Did anything ever happen with Isabella Ferrari, the Selvaggia from “Sapore di mare”?

Con Nicole Kidman?
“She was very cute, but beyond any temptation. We were filming An Australian in Rome, she was very young, a tall horse, all curly, without any sex appeal. When she chatted with director Sergio Martino, she said: I’ll arrive, I’ll have a great career… Sergio and I thought: look at this unfortunate woman. Between us, there was nothing. And then I was already with Eleonora, why would I start acting like a clown?

Eleonora Giorgi was the erotic dream of 70s cinema and was his wife during the campaign years.
“We had a shared project: we built houses, raised animals, made oil, we had a good time, Paolo was born. We preferred that to movies. Then, Eleonora left me, I got engaged to a Swede and, when she left too, I told myself that there, alone, I risked becoming brutalized. Meanwhile, I had already discovered Lampedusa”.

Now, is he engaged?
“I have someone I love very much. Loving yourself is more than love, which is a slightly crazy, twisted thing.”

On TV, he confessed that he said “I love you” for the first time at 58 years old.
«È così».

The latest film is Christmas with 5 Stars by Marco Risi, from 2018. Are the scripts still arriving?
“They are coming. Gabriele Muccino wanted me in the series At Home All Well, but, in the end, the stress on set doesn’t interest me. And it’s not even about refusing money: now only the big players are paid well. You become an actor if you have the passion and I don’t have it.”

What do you want to do in the next few years?
“Like everyone, I would like peace of mind. I would like not to fight against windmills. And, in order not to understand and not see many things, I would like to be stupid.”

Where have you been? The interviews

2023-12-31 14:03:28

#Massimo #Ciavarro #lead #ascetic #life #son #Paolo #Clizia #Incorvaia #terrified #leave #grandson

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