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Massimiliano and Adua: “Our story is just a fiction” – Big Brother VIP

Since their first meeting in the House, the relationship between Massimiliano e Adua it was very tense, full of misunderstandings, hostility and temporary clarifications. The affection that binds the two competitors remains beyond doubt, but the first interaction between the couple was marked by the girl’s accusations against the actor, so the two chose to keep a safe distance.

The House was then shocked by the entrance of Gabriel Garko, who defined the sentimental bond with Adua “a fairy tale”, making a moving coming out. Adua then revealed a Dayane e Matilde a background regarding Massimiliano: the actor would be gay. Subsequently resumed for this revelation, the actress stated that she never said that word, having meant “strategist”.

But it was Tommaso who denied it, who confided to Alfonso Signorini that he had learned Massimiliano’s alleged secret from Adua, while they were in the hotel. Caught off guard, the girl felt the pinch and appeared very embittered. Maximilian, for his part, rejected the insinuation, while remaining calm and civil towards Adua, whom he did not blame for the interference in his private life.

Alfonso then called all those directly interested to express their truth. Tommaso wanted to reiterate that he had made a completely legitimate revelation, because he considers outing a cruel gesture that takes away something important from those who are victims of it.

Adua and Tommaso argue furiously on this point, as the girl accuses the influencer of having lied about the dynamics of their meeting at the hotel.

When it comes to Massimiliano, he finally reveals the secret that unites him to the girl: there has never been any love story, it was a fiction for the use and consumption of the public. In a clip taken from a Confessional, we discover that at the beginning of her career the girl accepted to live in lies to protect other people, namely Gabriel Garko and Massimiliano.

This choice made her very unhappy, but she declares that Massimiliano, of all, was the person who used her most. The actor, for his part, claims that he has always loved Adua, because theirs was still a story of affection: however he was very hurt by the insinuations of the “ex” about his homosexuality, without foundation since she had all the useful elements to deny your doubt.

Including his own mistake, Adua asks forgiveness from everyone, even those who have felt offended by his outing. As often happens to her, Patrizia has taken the ball to ask the reasons for their fiction, born for job opportunities.

At the end of the discussion Alfonso wants to make things clear: the couple Massimiliano – Adua is neither victim nor executioner in this situation, but they must take on their responsibilities. However, both must be happy with the goal achieved: they entered the House wearing two masks, but now they have managed to take them off thanks to the opportunity provided by Big Brother.

Adua agrees with the host, stating that she wants to start over with her real name Rosalinda. Although the two actors clashed heatedly, at the end of the discussion they managed to forgive each other with a hug that surprised everyone present.

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