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Mass consumption and the third sector demand the elimination of VAT on product donations

They consider that this measure will boost donations from companies


Business associations representing mass consumption and hospitality, represented by Aces, Aecoc, Anged, Asedas, Fiab and Restauration Brands, and third sector organizations have demanded this Wednesday the elimination of VAT on product donations to boost the economy circular and environmental sustainability.

Specifically, the organizations have presented the document ‘Donate to take care of the planet’, which has already been presented to the different political parties in the Congress of Deputies, which includes the formal request through an amendment to the Law of Waste and Contaminated Soils that donations are exempt from VAT.

The general director of AECOC, José María Bonmatí, has assured in the presentation of this initiative that this demand comes at “the opportune moment”, since the Law of Waste and Contaminated Soils is in the Congress of Deputies.

“It makes no sense that taxation goes in the opposite direction and it is cheaper to destroy than to donate. We ask that the groups support this measure that has no political affiliation, so it can be widely accepted,” he stressed, recalling that this amendment It currently has the support of the PP and the PdCat.

The manager of Aecoc has underlined the importance that the elimination of VAT would suppose, since it would encourage companies to promote their donations. “What today can be a barrier, such as paying VAT for products donated to a charity, which disappeared and was not an additional cost would be good for social action. In addition, it allows giving a second life to a product that otherwise would be destroyed, “he explained.

Bonmatí, who recalled that the mass consumer sector “is committed” to avoiding food waste, has specified that they have not quantified the impact that the elimination of VAT would have. “We are not able to quantify how many companies would dare to do so, but for collection purposes it is more important what could be increased than what would be lost today so that VAT is destroyed and paid,” he stressed.

In this way, business organizations have also urged Administrations to accompany environmental regulations such as the Waste Law or the recent Law on Food Waste with a coherent fiscal policy that allows the economic costs of sustainability measures not to act as a brake on the Business.

For his part, the deputy director general of FESBAL, Francisco Greciano, has stressed that “approving a VAT exemption for donations of food and non-food products will result in an increase in donations already made by most companies.”

“From our organization we believe that approving a VAT exemption will result in an increase in donations from companies and will incorporate many others to whom VAT taxation is a direct cost that disfavors donation,” he stressed.

For his part, the CEO of Worldvision, Javier Ruiz, stressed that this measure “will favor donations” from companies, in addition to “protecting and caring for the planet.”

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