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masks, temperature, positive cases. Some things to know

The school year begins, not all regions will start today. It is the Regions that decide the school calendar and some have preferred the 24th instead of the 14. A very special beginning of the year that starts in a health emergency. So it is necessary to remember some important practices to leave safely.

The school calendar

The Ministry has indicated 14 as the starting date of the school year, but some Regions (autonomously and according to law) have decided to bring forward or postpone the start. For example, they have already reopened on the 7th in Alto Adige and Vo ‘in Veneto. Friuli Venezia Giulia on September 16, in Sardinia on September 22, others will open after the regional elections and the referendum of September 20 and 21, for example: Puglia, Calabria, Abruzzo, Basilicata and Campania on September 24. In Sicily, schools will reopen on September 14, but individual institutions are given the opportunity to postpone to September 24 by virtue of school autonomy. All dates

Student temperature

It is measured at home. The Minister reiterated this yesterday, “it makes much more sense to take his temperature at home than to put him on a bus or in places where he could infect his companions. All the more so if he were sick with Covid. We have worked with a view to absolute prevention. France also decided to take the temperature at home. I trust Italian families”.


94 million masks and 400,000 liters of gel have already been distributed”Commissioner Arcuri said yesterday. Today, therefore “the 8.5 million students and one and a half million teachers – continued the Commissioner – will have the surgical mask, as we said, which will be used to carry out the activities safely. This will be repeated every day until the end of the year

When should they be worn? In cases where a safe distance cannot be guaranteed, such as when on the move. Where, in class, the distance and two meters from the teacher is guaranteed, the mask is not mandatory. Both teachers and students, however, can decide to keep the mask even if the safety measures are guaranteed.


It can be done, but safely. Sitting at the desk or in shifts. The important thing will be to avoid gatherings during the break.

What happens in case of a positive person at school?

Positive student in school

As contained in the guidelines and in the FaQ of the Ministry of Health: “in the event that a pupil presents an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or a symptom compatible with COVID-19 in the school setting, the following measures: immediately inform the school contact person for Covid-19; notify the pupil’s parents immediately; host the student in a special area, in the company of an adult wearing a surgical mask; have the pupil wear a surgical mask if he is over the age of six and tolerates it. The school staff will be able to proceed with the possible detection of body temperature through the use of thermometers that do not require contact.

The school will have to clean and disinfect the surfaces of the isolation room or area after the symptomatic pupil has returned home.

Positive school staff at school

Make sure that the school operator wears a surgical mask, as already foreseen; invite him to leave the facility, return to his home and contact his general practitioner for the necessary clinical evaluation. In case of suspicion of COVID-19, the attending physician promptly requests the diagnostic test and communicates it to the Prevention Department, which will carry it out and take action to deepen the epidemiological investigation and the consequent procedures (contact tracing, etc. ). School workers have a priority in performing diagnostic tests.

Environment sanitation

If students or school staff are positive, “first of all carry out an extraordinary sanitation of the school. Sanitation must be carried out if 7 days or less have passed since the positive person visited or used the facility.

Beginning of the school year: all necessary documents, guides and useful information. [AGGIORNATO]

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