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Masks, schools, travel… The scientific council has unveiled its recommendations

Illustration of confinement in France. – Mathieu Pattier / SIPA

A crucial document for successfully controlling the pandemic of Covid-19 in France. A few days from
a presentation this Tuesday by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe of the deconfinement plan , the Scientific Council responsible for enlightening the government delivered this Saturday evening its recommendations for a “gradual and controlled lifting of the
confinement “, Effective May 11.

On the menu, recommendations concerning the wearing of masks, the reopening of schools, travel or even teleworking which sometimes call into question the tracks launched by the government. Review of main points.

Wearing the “systematic” mask

Wearing a mask in public places – not only in transport and high schools and colleges – must be “systematic” during the months following the lifting of containment, according to the Scientific Council.

Thus, to be feasible, deconfinement requires that “alternative industrial or artisanal anti-projection masks” be “available to the entire population and distributed in priority to people in regular contact with the public”.

Places open to the public must offer their customers or users protective masks and hydro-alcoholic solutions. “A breach of these rules must be able to result in an administrative closure of these places”, according to the opinion.

Resumption of public transport

Travel from one region to another by public transport could again be allowed as long as barrier measures and social distancing rules are respected.

Urban and peri-urban transport should resume with their usual rates. A “staggered schedule” of employees, added to the maintenance of telework, should avoid saturation of public transport at certain times.

International transport is strongly discouraged until summer, to “reduce the risk of reintroduction of the virus on the national territory”. Travelers are exposed to quarantine measures upon arrival at their destination as well as upon return to France.

The Council also recommends “a multiplication of the offer” of school transport so that the pupils are less crowded.

Rules of social distancing in educational establishments

“The wearing of masks must be compulsory” for middle and high school students, indicates the Council, considering on the other hand the wearing of masks “impossible” in nursery school and adaptable according to the age in primary school.

The rules of social distancing Generally applicable in society should be adopted throughout the establishment, the tables being notably separated by one meter in the classroom.

Schools should also ensure that students in one class do not meet students in another class or that students in the same level do not meet students in another level to identify students at risk in case of contamination. And “if possible”, that they all have lunch in class, at their table.

Parents are asked to take the children’s temperature every day before school starts. If there are symptoms, the child should not go there and the parents should consult their doctor.

The Council was for its part favorable that the crèches and educational establishments remain closed until September, he underlines in a second opinion published at the same time, relating to the measures necessary for a deconfinement. “The Scientific Council took note of the political decision to carefully and gradually reopen schools from May 11, taking into account health issues, but also societal and economic,” said the authority in this note.

Maintaining telework when possible

The Council proposes that companies maintain telework when possible, “on all or more than half of the working time”.

For traders and craftsmen, it is proposed to resume an activity by scrupulously respecting the rules of social distancing. “The objective is to gradually resume a face-to-face activity that only concerns half of the workers if possible.”

For administrations, it is also proposed to maintain business continuity plans allowing telework for a large part of the staff.

“Strict and voluntary confinement” of people at risk

The Scientific Council advises the elderly over 65 and / or with chronic pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease) to respect “strict and voluntary confinement, which protects them from risks of contamination”. “This choice must be able to be offered to people at risk who work”, specifies the Council.

Emmanuel Macron had assured on April 17 that he did not want “no discrimination” of the elderly or frail in progressive deconfinement after May 11, by calling “to individual responsibility”.

Closure or ban of places and events gathering a large public

During the first two months following the lifting of containment, it is “necessary to keep closed or prohibited all places and events” gathering “the public in large numbers, whether closed rooms or outdoor places” .

As early as April 13, Emmanuel Macron had stressed that this type of event could not take place until at least mid-July. Major cultural events have already given up, from Cannes to Avignon via the Francofolies or the Vieilles Charrues.



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