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Masks now mandatory in New York

New York">

Business owners in New York State will be able to refuse entry into their business to customers who do not wear a face shield.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said today (May 28, 2020) that he will sign a law allowing private companies to close their doors to people who do not have their faces covered with a mask.

This new measure should be in place in time for the deconfinement of New York, the city most affected in the world by the coronavirus pandemic.

“Store owners have the right to protect themselves”, specifies the politician.

“If you don’t wear a mask, okay, but you don’t have the right to enter if the owner doesn’t want to see you there,” adds the Democratic governor.

New York State has provided to date eight million masks to New York City. Many of these masks have been distributed to public schools, food banks, places of worship and shelters for the homeless.

Governor Cuomo assures us that a million new masks have been distributed again today.

“The masks work. They work, ”concludes the politician.

Near 360,000 cases from CoVID-19 and 23,200 deaths were reported in New York State. The city of New York on its own has nearly 200 000 case and 16,400 dead.

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