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Masks made in Grand Figeac with the Frozen Sheep – Medialot

The territory is united with also tablets for the most isolated, and support for the economic and associative world.

For more than a week, France has moved rapidly from stage 2 to stage 3 of the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic. The Community of Commons immediately implemented its business continuity plan to ensure the continuity of public service while protecting its agents and the public. This plan primarily relates to essential services such as the care of the children of caregivers in community nurseries, the carrying of meals at home by the CIAS, the maintenance of household waste collection or the activity of the center. of intercommunal health. It also relates to the continuity of all services, giving priority to teleworking. All services are available today, the conditions for contacting them are specified on the site www.grand-figeac.fr.

But the Grand Figeac goes beyond this continuity by putting all its competence and its force of action at the service of the territory and the emergencies that this epidemic creates. Seized by health professionals, in the forefront of which Figeac hospital but of course city doctors, carers and home helpers and public officials, the Grand Figeac called on a company hosted in his Calfatech nursery in Cambes, Le Mouton Givré, in order to make fabric masks. This collaboration, where the Grand Figeac bought the raw material and Le Mouton Givré voluntarily provided the way, will allow the delivery of more than 200 masks from this March 24. These masks will be used by community personnel to release FFP2 masks in stock at the Community of Communes for the hospital. An appeal to the seamstresses, professional or not, of the territory is also launched to continue this effort and manufacture these masks. Volunteers can contact the Community of communes.

Important clarification: these masks are manufactured according to a pattern established by a Grenoble epidemiologist doctor, they are not FFP2 certified but constitute an interesting complement to barrier gestures: they protect those around them from possible contamination. They are thus added to the prevention measures already in place.

> Tablets serving the most isolated

Another initiative for the most isolated people: the Grand Figeac will very soon set up “contact points” with the residents of the 8 nursing homes in the area (Lacapelle-Marival, Bagnac-sur-Célé, Assier, Latronquière, Cajarc , Figeac, Capdenac-Gare and Montredon). From one of the Grand Figeac sites (MSAP or community sites) or from the town hall, families can access tablets by appointment, making it possible to reach the people confined to their rooms in a very simple video within these establishments. Each nursing home will also be equipped with an equivalent tablet, the connection assistance of which will be provided by the nursing home host. Since the establishment of confinement, these establishments have been completely closed and the elders confined to their rooms. This situation is particularly difficult to live with and the objective of this service is to break this isolation by maintaining contact with families. Le Grand Figeac will provide the equipment and set up this service.

> Support for the economic and associative world

On the economic level, this epidemic will quickly generate great difficulties for the economic operators and the associative world. Le Grand Figeac has therefore decided to pay 80% of the grants that had been voted to the Community Council on March 3, to facilitate the management of their cash flow, even if the actions or events supported are canceled. Regarding businesses, the rents of businesses and economic operators hosted in relay workshops, the Calfatech business incubator and the business hotel in Cambes will be postponed for the months of March and April, pending government provisions . In addition, a reception and telephone listening service for business leaders will be set up from Tuesday, March 24, to orient them in support systems and help them find solutions to the difficulties encountered. Contact: 05 65 11 47 51


> A citizen solidarity platform in preparation

Although it is very difficult for everyone to live with, this epidemic also reveals a strong surge of solidarity, particularly in the territory of Grand Figeac. Faced with all the proposals from volunteers and volunteers offering their time for the people who need it, the Grand Figeac will soon put into service a citizen mutual aid platform on the territory: “My neighbor in solidarity, the citizen platform of the Grand Figeac ”developed voluntarily by Informatique Lot Célé. Simple, direct and free, citizens offering a service (portage of groceries, telephone calls, distance learning services, etc.) will be able to register and offer their help to people who may also register to call their service. . It should be in service within a few days.

> All health information on: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus

Photo @DR Le Mouton Givré

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