Home » today » News » Masked people break a bat in the head of a moneylender and rob him, then live like in a fairy tale

Masked people break a bat in the head of a moneylender and rob him, then live like in a fairy tale

Two people will be killed for the murder of Kiril Ivanov – Chandja from the town of Levski. Their accomplice received 20 years in prison, and a woman – on probation for concealment

“In Levski we stopped the car in a side street 15 meters from the house of the moneylender. We put on the masks. Ivo and Tihomir kept whips under their jackets. As we got out of the car, I looked at my watch – it was about 2.30.

A lamp was shining in front of the house, we stood in the dark.

Fear fried

my brain, no

he gave it to me

soul to enter
Ivo had warned us that Kiro was a boxer and very healthy.
We approached and Ivo called: “Let’s not give up!”. I jumped over the net first and hung up my suit. The other two jumped on a boxwood. The three of us got on. The door opened silently.

At the entrance I was walking the duck. Ivo was shining with his phone on the left. To the right was the black plastic shopping bag. There were smaller bags in it. I took everything and left in seconds. On the way back, I heard a groan inside, but I didn’t understand whether the voice was male or female. Outside, the car was open with the engine running. I left the bag in the front of the seat. I just smoked a cigarette and Ivo came.

Then he appeared

Tihomir and c

the car

the smell of blood
He explained: “This man grabbed my legs. So healthy – I can’t get rid of it. To unbuckle, I hit him with the bat – it broke in his head. The song stayed inside.

We arrived at Ivo’s house in Byala Cherkva at 4 o’clock and something. From the big black bag I took out 15-20 envelopes, inscribed with names and prices. The division of gold took place in the eye – in you, in me. Then the bundles again at 3. ”

This is what Valentin N., one of the accused for the murder and robbery of the businessman Kiril Ivanov from the town of Levski, told the Pleven District Court on April 4, 2018.

Three masked men kicked 2 doors of the one-storey family house around 2.30 am on December 30, 2016. They burst into the bedroom and surprised Kiril Ivanov and his wife Galya, 53, in their sleep.

Without tying them, they start a brutal fight with tool handles. The blows fell mainly on the head of the 57-year-old man. When the spouses fall into a helpless state, the attackers take gold jewelry, coins and money in various foreign currencies, as well as BGN 38,294.35.

The seized amount to a total of BGN 92,259.75, the indictment later calculated.

At about 3 o’clock the three left the bloodied house and sank without a trace in the night. The signal for the beating and robbery was received at 3.10 am on December 30 by phone 112. The victims were admitted to the Emergency Room in the town of Levski, then taken to the University Hospital in Pleven.

The beaten Cyril, who was in a coma, underwent a complicated operation.

Without coming


he is dying

after hours
His wife lost her spleen from the beating.

The attack on Ivanov’s house lasted 30 minutes. The attackers do not say a word all the time. They probably feared that the victims might recognize them by their voices, investigators say. Later, this detail turned out to be important for unraveling the case.

Businessman Ivanov in Levski is known to have been involved in currency exchange and gold for years. People in need leave it with him, then buy it back. That is why in the city he is known by the nickname Kiro Chandja.
The investigation is gathering evidence that he was a moneylender –

he handed out

loans and took

gold like

guarantee that

the money will

be returned
City folklore tolerates how someone knew that the day before the crime, Ivanov had made a big deal and taken a large sum home.

In early February 2017, the attackers of the businessman were detained. They are Ivo Zlatanov, 32, from Byala Cherkva, Valentin N. – Morocco, 31, from the village of Pavel, and Tihomir V., 20, from Suhindol.
The three know each other because they occasionally worked together in a construction team. It betrays them that they are supposedly poor, but suddenly they live like in a fairy tale.

Days after the brutal fight, the unemployed Valentin, nicknamed Morocco, who came from his emigration to different countries, bought an ATV for BGN 2,500.

A week later, Nelly, the woman with whom she lives on a family basis, acquired a Volkswagen Tuareg for BGN 20,000.

Tihomir gets a Mitsubishi Eclipse for BGN 3,900.
Witnesses later told how the rich people celebrated the new year 2017 for the night – the wife of one of them put a crown of money on her head, others were photographed decorated with gold jewelry.

Motor on

the night action

It is in Levski

Ivo Zlatanov
A lover of gambling, he is among the regular customers of the moneylender. In the fall of 2015 he got into debt and decided to borrow money from Ivanov.

He arrived in Levski with his mother and wife and asked to buy gold coins for a wedding. You chose 30 coins, then wanted to see gold jewelry for the bride. When Ivanov went to bring the jewelry, Ivo and his relatives disappeared with the coins.

Later, the moneylender met with Ivo’s father and the two agreed to pay for the stolen coins, according to the indictment of the Pleven District Prosecutor’s Office.

The three agreed on the strike at the end of 2016 on December 29. Ivo draws with a pen the layout of the rooms in Kiro Changja’s house. He describes in detail where he usually keeps money and gold.
“When I want something, Changja makes a small table. He takes 2-3 steps, comes back and arranges the money “, Ivo explains to his friends. The three prepare with masks and gloves.

“I had carpenter’s gloves. Ivo brought children’s knitted black gloves. He cut off his hat and gave it to Tihomir for a mask. I was wearing women’s tights, “Valentin Morocco told the court.

After the robbery, Ivo burns the children’s black gloves and his suit in the stove at home. He puts half of the wood broken in the businessman’s head in the toilet. Valentin throws the carpenter’s gloves out of the car window somewhere along the way, burning his suit at home. According to the testimony of Morocco after the partition, he



gold jewelry

in toys

to your children,

buried the money,
which he had left after the expenses.

On July 6, 2018, the Pleven District Court sentenced Ivo Z. and Valentin N. to life imprisonment. Both of them must serve their sentences under an initial special regime. Tihomir M. received 20 years in prison under an initial strict regime, and the woman next to Morocco – Nelly S., 3 years probation with 5 years probation for concealing the stolen items.

The trial for the murder and robbery of the businessman Kiril Ivanov – Kiro Chendzha was considered at 3 court instances.

The last one – the Supreme Court of Cassation, on January 7, 2020, confirmed the life sentences of Ivo Z. and Valentin N. Tihomir M. remained behind bars for 20 years, and for Nelly S. the sentence was 3 years probation with 5 years probation. term.

“We are avoiding going back to the murder of businessman Ivanov. All comments have long since stopped. The isolation during the COVID pandemic also helped – we no longer get together, we don’t talk like before. We just don’t want to listen to bad things that can destroy our psyche, “people from Levski told 24 Chasa today.

“Some time ago I met Ivanov’s wife, Galya. She looked calm, at least outwardly. I know that it is very difficult to shake off the painful nightmare of being beaten in bed next to your agonizing husband. But I hope she has gathered the strength to continue her life, “said a woman who knew the family.

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