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Mask, self-test … what to remember from Blanquer’s announcements

Jean-Michel Blanquer greets a “improvement of the situation”. “Two weeks ago we had 167,000 cases per day, Thursday 12,500 cases, it is obviously a clear improvement which makes it possible to consider the reductions which we have been talking about for several days”says the Minister of National Education.

The situation improves then the health protocol is lightened: Jean-Michel Blanquer announces the end of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors for elementary school students and staff. The minister also mentioned the possibility of practice sports outside again without a mask, except for contact sports. As for meals, in the canteen, the levels can be mixed. The shuffling will no longer be limited to class levels.

The Minister also announces a change in school testing policy. From February 28 (back to school date for zone B), only one self-test will be requested in elementary school when a positive case is detected in the classroom. This test will be done on D+2 to take account of the incubation period. Currently, three tests are requested: one the same day or the next day, one the day after and a final four days later. Jean Michel Blanquer also announces that the attestation on the honor of the parents will no longer be compulsory from February 21.

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