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Masinton Explains Reasons for Connecting Migor Corruption with Election Delays


Members of the House of Representatives Masinton Pasaribu ever talk about corruption cases cooking oil (migor) to fund the postponement of the election agenda. Masinton now reveals the reason for connecting the two things.

Initially Masinton spoke about the scarcity of cooking oil that Indonesia had experienced for months. This problem, he said, could not be read only as a technical problem.

“The incident for months we have to read like this, if we only read a piece there is a violation, there is smuggling, it’s okay, (but) we have to see for months a paralyzed country can’t handle it. This is not a problem that I think technically all kinds of things. Say it like this, it’s okay, ‘if I want to contribute, give me the freedom, give me the freedom, this high international price’, “said Masinton at the Perspective Competition detik.com x Total Politics as broadcast on YouTube detik.comWednesday (4/5/2022).

Masinton admits that law enforcement is indeed investigating the cooking oil corruption case and should not interfere with political opinions. Even so, he reiterated that the cooking oil problem that occurred in Indonesia was not an ordinary problem because it had been going on for months.

“We must read this in full with the events of the past months. It can’t be a coincidence, and the state can’t what are you doing, if it’s just mafia tok it will be over for a while. Now, if I want to contribute a high international price, please give me the freedom. DMO 20%’, it doesn’t exist on paper, he sends the goods all the time. Isn’t that right?” said Masinton.

Furthermore, Masinton then explained the reason which then connected the cooking oil case to finance the postponement of the election agenda. He mentioned that a number of large corporate oil palm smallholders were mobilized to support the postponement of the election.

“The next correlation is that there are plasma smallholders, assisted oil palm farmers from several large corporations, which basically were mobilized for 3 periods of support, and that costs money, right? Continue to make declarations everywhere, it all costs money,” he said.

“We have to read there, if this is exposed, this is a crime that extraordinary, then revealing it must be with great strength extraordinary, can’t be read linearly or partially earlier,” Masinton continued.

See the AGO’s response on the next page.

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