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Mary Borsato declined to report on Marco’s divorce | NOW

Mary Borsato has received little from all the news about the divorce of her son Marco and daughter-in-law Leontine. The singer’s mother tells in conversation with Beautiful world that she has completely closed herself off from what happened in the media.

“I didn’t watch show business shows. When I came across something on my phone, I clicked it away. And when people brought it up, I said, ‘I’m not home.’ That is the defense system that I have built in, “said 75-year-old Borsato.

After reports of affairs that the singer would have had, the couple announced that they would split up in early February. The divorce went very smoothly, his mother now tells. She thinks she set a good example in this when she divorced Marco’s father.

“After our divorce I took good care of him: he was allowed to see the children day and night and I paid alimony for years, until Marco took over. Although we were no longer partners, the love continued, in a different way. You can making your ex completely black, but that is not necessary. I have never been bitter. “

According to her, not only has a good example helped, but her son is also just a good person. “When I see how he arranges things, I think: that’s exactly how I would have done it. Wait: that’s how I did it! Of my three children, he is the most like me inwardly.”

The burnout that the singer has is difficult for him. “Little by little things are getting better. He has to deal with a lot. Fortunately he has nice friends around him and he and Leontine get along well. And together they are fantastic with the children.”

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