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Marvel Snap ignored the arcade cat and succeeded

The image shows Marvel Snap's Quicksilver in front of the comic's artwork.

image: Marvel / Second Supper / Kotaku

Marvel shot He plays cards very well which left early access recently and can now be played on Android, iOS, and Steam. However, unlike almost all other digital card games, photograph It does not include a mulligan option at the start of the game, which allows you to discard some or all of the cards for new cards. But as Second Dinner developer Ben Broad explained on Twitter, while the lack of a mulligan was a problem for early players, the developers solved it by making only a small change to a single card.

It was released last week after several months of early access, Marvel shot It is a free card game created by ex stone of enlightenment Director Ben Broad e His new game studio, The Second Supper. It has quickly become one of the most popular mobile games and a favorite among many KotakuSquad. I’ve been playing it sporadically since the beta and thought it might be my favorite digital card game for years, thanks to its focus on quick plays, random items, and mini decks. However, as part of this abstract approach to playing cards, Broad and his team soon decided not to include mulligans. And doing this job required a small fix for Quicksilver.

On Twitter, Broad explained that what makes card games fun is diversity. However, they also wanted a second dinner Marvel shot Decks will be small, as deck building is often one of the biggest hurdles for new players. The smaller the floors, the less contrast they are. So to prevent players from simply discarding cards to get exactly what they need – and to allow people to cheat using the cheat mechanic – the second bowling dinner was dropped.

As you might expect, eliminating such a popular and traditional part of card games has caused some problems. According to Rod, the first people play in the building photographAnd They mainly complained about the lack of weapons.

“We knew that once players understood how the Cube worked and how it could be saved at any time for just a small loss of Cubes, the impact of bad luck would be reduced,” Brode wrote. “And also, a drop in or two is missing Hurried it is really different than other card games. There is no ‘time’ inside Hurried. You don’t ‘lose control of the board’ by not playing a card early. It might not be the best, but you’re certainly not doomed. “

While Brode and the team were confident that players would not lose the mulligan once they figured out the game, the amount of early feedback related to not being able to play anything in the first round and not being able to trade cards was hard to ignore. But instead of completely reworking the game, the team only made one change. This puts Quicksilver in the player deck of the deck. Start the game with. The card only uses one energy and also has an ability that you always put in your hand at the beginning of the game.

“Immediately [after this tweak] Mulligan’s reactions have run out, “explained Brod. Who needs a mulligan when you always draw a drop? Eventually, many players decide to swap Quicksilver for another card, but at this point you do. Aktar Risking to open a bad hand ”.

Finished the wire cold Explain that developers often have to determine if the problems are system-wide or just a problem with some content. In other words, does the problem require you to completely rework the game system or can it be solved with a smaller solution, such as forcing a single energy utility card into the first group of players?

In this case, a slight change to Quicksilver solved the problem without major changes Marvel shot. This is a good thing, because I’m happy with how the game is going today, And don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the competitions!

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