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Marvel Rivals Developer Apologizes for Clauses Blocking Game Criticism by Streamers

The Developer of Marvel Rivals Apologizes for Censorship Clause in Content Creator Contract

The creator of Marvel Rivals has issued an apology for the inclusion of a controversial clause in the game’s content creator contract that prevented streamers from posting negative reviews or comparing it to competitors such as Blizzard’s Overwatch. The clause sparked significant backlash from both content creators and the gaming community. Developer NetEase has now acknowledged the concerns and intends to make revisions to the contract to ensure a more creator-friendly and unrestricted environment for feedback.

The Non-Disparagement Clause That Raised Controversy

The closed alpha test for Marvel Rivals, a Marvel-themed team-based hero shooter, generated considerable excitement among content creators. However, it was revealed that the content creator contract included a non-disparagement clause, thereby restricting creators from posting negative reviews or comparing the game to its competitors.

Well-known streamer and former professional Overwatch player, Brandon Larned, also known as Seagull, shed light on this issue on Twitter, expressing his disappointment and emphasizing that many creators signed the contract without even reading it.

Overwhelming Backlash and NetEase’s Apology

The gaming community responded with overwhelming criticism to the non-disparagement clause in the contract, directing much of the dissatisfaction towards developer NetEase. Many argued that the provision stifled constructive feedback, hindering the potential for the game’s improvement.

NetEase has now apologized, acknowledging the negative impact created by the “excessively restrictive terms” and the resulting confusion and frustration. The developer has expressed gratitude for the shared concerns and announced plans to collaborate with the creators to modify the contract accordingly.

NetEase’s Statement on Content Creator Program

In its official statement, NetEase clarified that the Content Creator Program is intended to support creators by giving them resources and actively encouraging them to share their honest opinions, suggestions, and criticisms. The company emphasizes that genuine feedback, whether positive or negative, is crucial for enhancing the game’s experience and meeting the expectations of both creators and players.

NetEase expressed its appreciation for every suggestion provided by the players, underscoring its commitment to respect their feedback. The company assured creators that it is actively working on revisions to address the concerns and create a less restrictive and more friendly contract.

NetEase concluded by expressing their hope that players continue to enjoy the game and their openness to sincere feedback for further improvements.

About Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals is a free-to-play team-based shooter game for PC featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel universe, including characters from the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and X-Men. The game currently offers a roster of heroes such as Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Hulk, Iron Man, Loki, and more, with additional characters yet to be announced.

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