‘The Marvels’, the studio’s latest release, has been the worst in the history of the UCM
He Marvel Cinematic Universe has reached, with its latest release, its lowest point. The Marvelsthe film that marked the return of Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, is the worst premiere in the history of the franchise. What happened with the film directed by Nia DaCosta was a chronicle of a death foretold: the UCM has been in decline since its Phase 4.
This new stage of the franchise, known as Multiverse Saga, is not arousing much enthusiasm and interest among fans. A very different panorama from what happened with the chapter named Infinity Saga -that understood from Iron Man a Spider-Man: Far From Hometitle with which he closed the Phase 3 after Avengers: Endgame-, since each delivery was synonymous with guaranteed success at the box office. Avengers: Endgamethe closing of the story of the original superhero team, was, for months, the highest-grossing film in the history of cinema.
Pedro Pascal could be the new great leader of the UCM: Marvel is not taking any chances with the film that can resurrect its universe
Now, Marvel Studios has two other projects on the horizon with Avengers in the title: The Kang Dynasty y Secret Wars. Before getting there, the first thing after saying goodbye to its most veteran characters is to create a new group of superheroes. This is where the studio’s secret weapon lies to succeed again. He has her right under his nose.
Marvels Studios
It’s not about spending millions on movies, it’s about the public once again creating a strong bond with the new characters, the same one they had with them. Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Clint Barton/Hawk Eye (Jeremy Renner) y Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.). And this is precisely where the UCM is failing. One of its protagonists knows it.
Iman Vellani, the person in charge of giving life to Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel in the series Ms. Marvel and the movie The Marvelshas hit the nail on the head. “I don’t know if it’s about making it bigger and bigger and bigger. Because then what’s left?”answer in The Direct when asked about how to make future Avengers movies regain the ‘hype’ of Endgame.
As it continues:
I think it’s about making the audience care about these characters. And I think they’ve established so many wonderful characters in the last phase of the MCU that it would be great to see them all again and see them team up.
The generational change is not going well for Marvel. Only a few characters seem to have connected with the public. To name a few: Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) y Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh). Kamala Khan is not on the wrong track either.
Another problem with the current UCM is the number of titles they release. With the arrival of Disney+, Marvel Studios had to get on the series bandwagon and with so much character and plot, the public is tired. Why are they going to see The Marvels If, in the first place, they never saw Ms. Marvel?
After The Marvelsthe studio’s next chapter in theaters is Deadpool 3. Although we will have to wait to see what happens, it seems that this new installment about the Merc with a Mouth played by Ryan Reynolds has everything to win. Not only because the character is liked – and a lot -, also because it marks the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine after seven years since his farewell. The film is released in 2024.
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2023-11-29 11:06:46
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