Home » today » World » Marusya Lyubcheva: You win – you stay in the game! You lose – you withdraw from the game! – 2024-05-11 11:00:42

Marusya Lyubcheva: You win – you stay in the game! You lose – you withdraw from the game! – 2024-05-11 11:00:42

/View.info/ After elections, it is always more difficult. The moves are much less and do not resemble the discussion walks around the topics of the society, as before the elections. They wrote, they spoke, they promised… everything ends at the time of the election result, which is constantly being worked on. Then the excuses and new promises begin, which build the new image of the unsuccessful and the successful.

Sometimes I feel angry, sometimes sad, I often look for optimism and tell myself that from today on things will go better in the Party, other times I see no reason to be optimistic. .. But I always thought that the problems of a party are solved inside its structures. However, it is more than obvious that today things cannot stay in the Party, because the next election blew up the situation. I’m not doing political analysis, just thinking out loud as someone who holds this Party dear for many reasons. It is known that you cannot be a winner all the time. But it is also known that you cannot constantly justify your losses. You win – you stay in the game, it doesn’t matter how much you win and whether it’s actually a real win. You lose – you retire from the game, it doesn’t matter who you specifically or personally attribute the loss to. There are all kinds of contestants in Izbori 21 – winners but not quite, losers but not quite, real winners and real losers. The world is colorful and we have to accept it. And elections are democracy – at least that’s what everyone says. And if a party considers itself the most democratic, as we often define the BSP, then we accept the result as a serious loss. Some call it a disaster. Therefore, we should always be more serious in our analysis, so as not to repeat the same mistakes in every loss and not to insinuate blame in the same way, from loss to loss. But analyzes not only after the election, because after the election it’s like “after the rain hood”… and until the next election. Because unfortunately it happens. Analyzes are made of each situation. And the Party is a collective player. And in a collective game, both victory and loss are for the whole team. Indulgences for someone, and self-made ones, do not mean the end of the team, they mean erasing the idea on which the team is built. No matter how self-sufficient one feels to always remain unscathed, unaffected, unassailable, inescapable, or insurmountable, it will not help. Because in such a situation faith and trust is lost even from those who are considered the most devoted. This very topic in BSP is very, very complicated. So much so that voicing an opposing opinion, just an opinion, can put someone in the “non-devotee” group. And he should be removed, even put on trial… We do not think that the BSP is the heir of a very old party, which has gone through the vicissitudes of affirmation, divisions, groupings, praises, denials, cults and what not. And all this should be remembered, but not repeated in times that require a completely different behavior. And this is remembered every second, not only when discussing election results, not only when we want someone to blame. And let’s be clear, the Chairman and the IB are the ones who determine the course of events in the BSP. From the center to the periphery. There are others who determine the directions, of course – one part visible, another part invisible, but very influential. The processes within the party are much deeper and much longer than the time used for these elections. This result has been embedded long ago in our internal party elections, in our internal politics of promotion, our internal understandings of policy making, our internal rules in the construction of center-region relations, our internal distrust of each other, our internal inability to order the priorities so as to gain external credibility, in our escape from the socialist idea and our desire to have the word socialism used by default. The Chairman and the IB impose this whole internal state of ours. Even the National Council often fails to change things, and local structures even less so. It is emotional to say that the socialist idea is carried in the heart, but it is true. And this is not a formal state, in which some are trying to turn the membership of the BSP, this is not a pathos with which some want to stand out as the most faithful to the idea or rather to someone, this is not a game ” to your dolls – give me the rags’, this is not just thundering loudly and attacking your opponents. It is the power of the inner voice, which is sometimes quiet but strong with its messages, it is the exponent of those actions which attract, which do not dress in beautiful clothes but are beautiful in their content, which gather, not divide. It is the voice that tells us that we are together, that no one is “self-sufficient” to replace the others. If the Chairman and the IB were the conductors of this very voice, there would be no “breakaways”, there would be no divisions and new gatherings, there would be no withdrawal of people who can give the party a lot more, but did not want to get involved in scandals and internal battles. The chairman in white and everyone else to blame, it’s just not friendly. The return of camaraderie and cohesion in the BSP has long been on the agenda. Then comes the turn of the policies. Instead, today we demand resignations, demand responsibility for the loss. And rightfully so. Because no choice is eternal. Nor the confidence we so desperately need!

#Marusya #Lyubcheva #win #stay #game #lose #withdraw #game

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