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‘Mārupe siltumnīcas’ will invest 1.5 million euros this year

“Mārupes siltumnīcas” 1.5 million euros will be invested in the modernization and automation of the vegetable growing process and infrastructure, as well as in the improvement of working conditions and safety, using banks “Citadel“financing, informs the bank.

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Kristīne Brunovska, co-owner of SIA “Mārupes siltumnīcas”, says that sales of vegetables grown by the company in stores are very good this year and have increased due to the pandemic. “We see that there is a disruption in the supply of vegetables from third countries, so there are far fewer products from other countries on the market, which were often ordered as local. Border controls ensure that third-country products are subject to import duties. Less imports from Poland. “Although the HORECA industry is experiencing a crisis, we do not feel the decline, because most of these customers buy the product in advance, considering only the price, but not the quality or origin,” says Brunovska.

At the beginning of the year, “Mārupe siltumnīcas” installed five hygiene stations for hand and foot disinfection. At the onset of the emergency, the new equipment not only helped to meet the hygiene requirements of the cultivation process, but also provided additional biosecurity. In order to obtain a higher yield with better quality, a fog system is currently being installed, which will provide the plants with the necessary air humidity regime and better growth conditions. The company will also purchase a new box washing machine. The new machine will have more capacity and better washing quality – it will help prepare reusable containers for harvesting. Renovation of administrative and warehouse buildings will continue this year, and construction of a new fertilizer warehouse has begun. In the premises, which were previously used as a material warehouse, a new dining room and kitchen area for the company’s employees will be installed this year. In the second half of the year, the sales part will be invested to automate the packaging and weighing of products.

Eva Novikova, Head of Corporate Banking at Citadele Bank’s Corporate Customer Service Department, said that in this difficult situation this year, everyone was convinced of the importance of local manufacturing companies that are able to provide Latvian residents with food and other necessary goods. Providing financing for investments of local manufacturing companies to Citadele was and
will be a priority. In an emergency, local entrepreneurs were able to provide the domestic market with quality products, while also being able to reorient. In addition, many producers were operating at full capacity, so the issue of investment in modernization and efficiency of production processes is still relevant.

SIA “Mārupes siltumnīcas” was founded in 2008. The company is engaged in growing vegetables in covered areas. Last year, “Mārupe siltumnīcas”, employing 124 employees, grew 4,901 tons of cucumbers and tomatoes on an area of ​​8.6 ha.

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