Home » News » Maru Botana broke the silence and answered without a filter to Jimena Monteverde: “I don’t know who you are, I have never seen your face in my life”

Maru Botana broke the silence and answered without a filter to Jimena Monteverde: “I don’t know who you are, I have never seen your face in my life”

After these different opinions floated over Maru Botana when he returned to the Telefe screen with Bake off Famososthe cook she came out to the crossroads of all those who criticized her, in particular he stressed Jimena Monteverde, who last Sunday during put out Having lunch with Juana (eltrece), a surprising answer about his relationship with her.

After Asked by Diego Ramos what the connection with Maru was like, Monteverde ironically revealed: “Yes, yes, we are both religious.”. He then surprised him and he preferred not to answer about it to the distance between the two which dates back to 2017when Maru landed on a specially designed eltrece and would have taken Jimena’s morning show off the air.

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Without filter Maru Botana said: “I’m talking to you Jimena, I don’t know you. I have never seen your face in my life, I don’t know who you are. I want you to be quiet, I never got you a job. I have never given work to anyone. I generate work, I have over 160 employees. For those who don’t know, there are authorities on every channel. At that time there was Liliana Parodi. Think how I’m going to get there and say: ‘no, I don’t want to be like that.’ “I would never do it and they would never allow it.”.

Maru Botana is about to break down after the criticism he received from Jimena Monteverde(Source: Instagram/@marubotanaok)

Towards the end, he invited him to meet his colleague to clarify what happened: “Jimena, I don’t know her… Why don’t we have coffee? And we chat, we ask ourselves… What do I have to do with the other person’s problem?

It should be noted that days ago, in communication with + ChildrenMonteverde mentioned: “I don’t know if he hates me and hate is the word. That speaks more about the insecurity of the other person.. To work on television, you have to be a bit serious, and you’re not,” he began and added: “She pitched several pilots until one was approved and she asked for an exclusive on the channel . So we and Coco couldn’t be more. We were never face to face. I don’t know exactly what happened. What I do know is that it was very sad for me.”

Last week in front of the camera Attackers (USA), Sergio Lapegue He told about his experience with Maru Botana in Saturday at home (eltrece), a program that aired in 2013 and it only lasted four months. Because of this, the journalist said: “They had told me I was going to be a driver, I didn’t end up doing that and I felt a bit hurt about that. I’ve never had a problem in any program, right there. They didn’t let you into the kitchen, it was like it was forbidden…”

And he said: “It was a bad experience, I didn’t have a good time and I decided to leave. This was the only time I gave something (…) I came home sad. Have you seen when you worry?

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Sergio Lapegue talks about his fight with Maru Botana

In this regard, Maru replied: “I am worried listening to Jimena, listening to Sergio, who came home crying when his wife was watching the program. I told Pablo Codevila: “Sergio wants a solo program. Let me clear the baseboards. I don’t understand this lie at all.”. And then he said to Coco: “He lived in our house. My mother loved Coco. We loved him, he was part of my family. “Coco is Coco because he started working with me, because I let him know. “.

Before he finished, he also sent a message to Yanina Latorre, who spoke a few days ago against him: “I don’t even want to talk. She is like a divine Lolita to me and she is a sweetheart and I focus on her. I don’t want to hear any more lies from Yanina. Not even about the faculty, which is all a lie.”.

At the same time, he said with a broken voice and almost shouting: “I’m here to clean up this whole awful thing, that makes me sick, that’s a lie.”. I am not bothering anyone. I have children, I’ve had a lot of pain in my life and I don’t want more. I’m tired of people doing me wrong. “Let those people who have a problem that they haven’t solved, go ahead with me.” “I have my children, my eight children, with Facu in heaven. I work, I like to give everything to him (…) But I wanted to get rid of this boredom,” he concluded.


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