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Martos: State of national emergency will continue and seven regions will remain in quarantine

The Defense Minister, Walter Martos, argued that the national state of emergency will continue after July 31 and with it the Armed forces They will be able to continue supporting the National Police in the fight against citizen insecurity.

“From the moment the President of the Republic announces that we are going to support the Police in matters of citizen security, it means that the national state of emergency will continue. (…) The state of emergency must continue and must be renewed within the three days that ends on July 31, ”Martos said. N Cover of Canal N.

In addition, he clarified that the quarantine which was arranged in Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín, Madre de Dios and Áncash it will not yet be lifted.

He added that the provinces of Cajamarca, Jaén and San Ignacio of the department of Cajamarca and the province of La Convencion in Cusco were added by a supreme decree.

“These restrictions of these seven regions, plus these provinces, are basically the immobilization of Sundays, the curfew that extends from 8 at night until 4 in the morning and the interregional public transport traffic between these cities, to avoid the greater movement of people and try to control the speed of contagion until a hospital response is found in each of these places, “he said.

“This is going to continue (quarantine) because this is a dynamic process and as long as the contagion curve doesn’t peak and starts to go down as it is already happening in some northern regions, then we can’t lift these restrictions. They have to continue, “said the Defense Minister.

Finally, it announced that on July 30 and 31, the Armed Forces will carry out an early treatment operation in Cajamarca, Jaén, San Ignacio and La Convencion. COVID-19 together with the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and EsSalud.

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