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Martine’s mother contacted the murder suspect’s relative, VG

The mother of the murdered Martine Vik Magnussen (23) wrote a letter to the mother of the murder suspect and confronted her relative.


Martine Vik Magnussen’s parents – Odd Petter Magnussen and Kristin Vik – never gave up hope of catching murder suspect Farouk Abdulhak from Yemen and bringing him to justice in Britain.

– It is morally and ethically correct for you to contribute to the solution of this case. So, after having some form of presence in a legal sanctions regime, he will effectively become a free man, Odd Petter Magnussen tells VG.

MADE CONTACT: Martine’s mother Vik Magnussen contacts Farouk’s family in new documentary.

He escaped 14 years ago

The documentary series “Martine”, produced by Monster for Discovery, premiering on Tuesday, November 15 on TV Norge and Discovery+, follows, among other things, Kristin Vik as she comes into contact with the family of murder suspect Farouk Abdulhak.

More than 14 years have passed since 23-year-old student Martine Vik from Nesøya outside Oslo was found murdered in London in March 2008. Murder suspect Farouk Abdulhak, a friend and fellow student of Martine’s from Regent Business School, is fled the country during the same day the 23-year-old was killed.

Abdulhak is still wanted for the rape and murder of Martine. He belongs to one of the richest and most powerful families in Yemen and is still hiding in the country.

Yemen’s constitution prohibits the extradition of citizens to other countries. Therefore, Martine’s family hopes that someone can persuade Farouk to voluntarily allow himself to be brought before the court in Great Britain.

– That’s all I thought about

In the documentary, Kristin Vik writes a letter to Abdulhak’s mother, in which she says she wants justice for Martine and asks for help.

He doesn’t get an answer, but eventually gets in touch with a male relative of the murder suspect. In the series, the affected person is anonymous, but she says he will try to help her if he can.

– Do you often talk to Farouk? asks Kristin Vik.

– It’s mostly messages, but we talk regularly.

Kristin Vik speaks clearly and softly during conversation with Farouk Abdulhak’s relative.

– I wonder why no one in the family tried to get him to come back to the UK, face the consequences and be a real man. Why didn’t anyone say he should?

– That’s all I’ve been thinking about for the past few days. Why didn’t I tell him to go back to… You know, the man replies.

– I’m still happy with him

– If everything that should be true is true … then it is a harmful act. That doesn’t mean I stop loving him, says Farouk’s relative.

In the documentary, Vik apparently gets the relative to have a chat with the murder suspect and tries to convince Abdhulak to stand trial.

According to the documentary, Farouk Abdulhak’s mother refused to participate. Through his lawyers, Abdulhak informs the documentary team that he considers the case closed and that, in his opinion, proposed solutions have previously been presented. Among them the trial in Yemen.

VG tried to get in touch with Mohammad Mahdi Baqwali who previously defended Abdulhak. Baqwali hasn’t answered VG’s questions yet.

You want proof

Kristin Vik tells VG via Discovery that she hopes the contact will influence Abdulhak to return to the UK and speak up.

Martine’s father, Odd Petter Magnussen, tells VG that attention to the case is important to the work he and others in the Justice for Martine Vik Magnussen organization do, and that they have worked extensively to build ethical pressures around the suspected homicide and its surroundings.

– Our job is done the moment he sets foot on British soil. But due process is all the family wants, Magnussen says.

VG reporter Marianne Vikås, who has already written a book about the Martine case, has worked with the Discovery series as a consultant.

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