Home » today » Entertainment » Martina Viktorie Kopecká (35): StarDance helps me in my spiritual life as well For women

Martina Viktorie Kopecká (35): StarDance helps me in my spiritual life as well For women

At the christening of the book Deník pastářky in September, you danced on the podium in the arms of Marek Dědík. Will you dance after the end of StarDance?

When StarDance is over, I’d like to stay at the dance. It’s a really big change for me. Until recently, I could not imagine being able to move in front of people. Marek patiently accompanies me through the dance world. And things are happening – my back straightened, I found that I had ingrained sad movement patterns, my head bowed and my back hunched. That is changing now. And it is also known in the spiritual life – one suddenly looks more at the heavens, and still smiles.

Marek Eben is a Catholic and said that the pastor in their parish is a passionate biker. What passions do you have?

I have joy in my life rather than passions. And there are not a few of them. But I must admit that I am a passionate reader of almost all genres. Reading helps me to relax and at the same time inspires me, for example, when I am writing a sermon.

How much do you experience Advent?

Intensely. It is a time that has an important meaning. We have four weeks before Christmas to thoroughly prepare. And it’s not just about buying gifts and cleaning. Silence, focusing on what’s important, enjoyment play a much bigger role in my life. With Advent comes a new liturgical year, so the resolutions do not come until January, but now. It is a time that reminds us that we can believe in the Light, even though we are still surrounded by darkness.

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StarDance: Previous Series – First eliminations and winners • VIDEO: Videohub

You are the co-author of a recently published book Christmas Trader. Do the traditions of our ancestors still have a chance to keep them?

Yes, tradition takes us back to our roots, to understanding and creating continuity. When the author of the traditionalist Martina Boledovičová approached me with the idea of ​​writing a book dedicated to the period from November through Advent, Christmas to the February Groundhog Day, I was happy. I have had collected literature and ideas for years.

Do you like Christmas, even if you hold a lot of services during it?

Without service, I can’t imagine Christmas. Although it’s a bit of a parish marathon. Sometimes they are served at Christmas and in the morning, then at midnight, the next morning another service and on St. We meet Štěpán again. As you can see, pastors are not bored.

People sometimes go to church only at midnight mass …

Midnight is a real holiday. Such circumstances that stressed us a little before, such as cooking, gifts, the last preparation, are suddenly over and night comes, a beautiful sparkling silence and a star shines into it and the Savior is born. God comes to our world in the form of a defenseless baby, and everyone comes to the manger, without distinction.

Will you fast on Christmas Day?

Mostly less on Christmas Eve, but it’s not completely planned. I like to prepare food, cookies, hot fragrant drinks and I also eat. But I have my personal pastoral tradition. I usually have the sermon at midnight written for a long time, I read and edit it again. I also open the Bible in a random place and read what is written there – and it is usually still an idea of ​​what idea to add to the evening.

Will you reveal your favorite cookies?

I like to bake fluffy gingerbreads, divide them into cellophane bags and distribute them to my friends and colleagues with messages. Personally, I’d rather have a steak instead of candy, but if I don’t, I won’t despise wasp nests. They say they’re called beehives, and I’ve found it funny since I was a kid. Many types of candy also have their own spiritual story and Christmas symbolism, such as God’s grace or Christmas.

Do you have a Bible quote for us that can reach those who do not believe in God at Christmas time?

For example, this is from the second chapter of Luke’s Gospel: “The angel said,“ Do not be afraid; Today is born to you a Savior, Christ the Lord, in the city of David. This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby in diapers laid in a manger. ”Joy is meant to be for all people and to relieve us of fear, such is the angelic message that opens the eyes and hearts of men. Christmas always catches us at a different point in our life stories, but this good news always fits them.

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