Home » today » Entertainment » Martina Colombari: From Showgirl to Accomplished Actress and Wife of Billy Costacurta

Martina Colombari: From Showgirl to Accomplished Actress and Wife of Billy Costacurta

Martina Colombari she is part of that generation of showgirls who gained popularity starting from the Miss Italia contest. Today, the footballer’s wife Billy Costacurta she is an accomplished woman, who has been able to free herself from the stereotypes associated with that experience, although it has not always been so easy, as she herself explained in an interview with Messenger.

“Often they didn’t even let me talk. I remember dinners where they didn’t even involve me in conversations, as if I didn’t live in this country, didn’t read the newspapers, hadn’t been to school… For some people, I was just a nice figurine to admire”, explained Colombari, who is now engaged in the theater with Steel Magnolias, together with Tosca D’Aquino. An experience, the theatrical one, which initially was perhaps only a stopgap for her but which today becomes a choice primary working : “There it matters what you do, only that. If you get it wrong, it shows. If it works, too. It’s like a live broadcast on TV. In the theater I have had the most satisfying experiences of a thirty-year career “. And it is precisely by working in the theater that she has acquired the awareness of her full possibilities. On Instagram Colombari wrote:” Beauty is the burqa of the West“.

A reflection that arises from the experience Colombari matured with numerous directors in her career, who made her weigh the aesthetic appearance. “A director, not long ago, told me I couldn’t be credible to play a blind woman: too beautiful. And a producer, after a while: ‘No one will believe you if you play a wife betrayed by her husband for someone uglier than her'”, explains the actress, who from this experience has begun to see her own beauty as an obstacle in her career For this reason, from the columns of the Corriere della Sera, he almost launches an appeal to directors and producers: “I ask only one thing: make me ugly. In the theater with Steel Magnolias, which I will resume in January, I was a slightly hunchbacked woman who walked badly, had thick glasses and dressed terribly… I was another. Why can’t I do the same in the cinema or on TV?”.

In recent times, Colombari has been at the center of the news not only for her work experiences but above all for the antics of her son Achille Costacurta, with whom the actress began a journey to a psychotherapist: “Sometimes she works only with him, sometimes only with us parents, sometimes with all three.” The boy is an only child, Colombari explains that “others have not come” and with her husband they have always focused on her growth. With the footballer, the former Miss Italy will soon celebrate 20 years of marriage, an important milestone especially in the world of entertainment. “If we had to throw knives at each other, or didn’t feel anything anymore, it would be different. But now I couldn’t be without him. It’s a bad sentence, but it’s true,” Colombari explained.

2023-09-03 09:10:00
#Beauty #burqa #West #Colombaris #lunge #cinema

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