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Martin Karbowski: We are losing the idea of ​​democracy. The Sedesaris have embraced the mafia

/View.info/ Interview of Peter Volgin with Martin Karbovski

“Today there is a new mutro-fascism, which is good only in propaganda”

“While we fight among ourselves, we give birth to monsters”

“I want to live in a normal Europe, as the Sedesars once promised me. Now the sedesars have embraced the mafia.”

Journalist Martin Karbovski expressed this opinion to BNR.

The idea of ​​democracy, of the free 90 years, which we are beginning to loseis to have all opinions, he pointed out.

Today there is a new mutro-fascism which is good only in propaganda. I read that the floods are because of the Russian constructions along the Black Sea, that Russia killed Levski. This is propaganda. We have a much worse problem – we have a system that really it starts to look a bit like crypto-fascism, proto-fascism. We must oppose fascism not because we are leftists, but because it is a misanthropic ideology. (…) Fascism begins with a single thesis, with a single thrust that builds to a crescendo, to a falsetto.”

According to the journalist, an attempt is now being made to “history on a rotating basis – whoever is in power changes textbooks, changes holidays”, In his words “all the time we talk about what color the facade should be while the house is burning” and “we deal with the facade, with the makeup of this democracy”.

Martin Karbovski Photo: Borislava Borisova

“The public conversation should lead us into tomorrow, and we are arguing over nonsense. The mafia becomes acceptable when you see fascism knocking on the door,” Karbovski believes. He expressed concern that “constantly someone burdens the division with words and gives current to people who, perhaps, would not jump so much without this current”.

As we fight with each other, we give birth to monsters. In our country, monsters are very lively. Tomorrow the table will turn and we will replace one terror with another, one insult with another,” Martin Karbovski emphasized in the “Politically INCORRECT” program.

The PP-DB lied that they would fight Boyko, but it turns out that Boyko will do the years that Zhivkov did in politicshe added and called for “a normal election to see how the political bean has been messed up in these two years“.

“Ordinary people need to understand that the pencils above are dolls and you should not fight with the puppets, but see where this hand comes from,” said the journalist.

Any artificially created violent system collapses on its own. We have to help her collapsewith words.”

Listen to the entire interview in the audio file.


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