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Martian rock samples have been obtained, so when are these samples brought to Earth?

MY KENDAL – In September 2021, the Perseverance rover belongs to NASA successfully drill and retrieve Rock Sample Planet Mars.

This is a historical event where for the first time humanity can get Rock Sample Planet Mars.

A new question arose after that, when Rock Sample Planet Mars was taken home to Earth?

Reported by Kendalku from the official site NASA, at the moment NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) is working to return it Rock Sample Planet Mars the.

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NASA and ESA are working together to create a campaign with the aim of repatriating Rock Sample Planet Mars ke Earth.

NASA and ESA launched Mars Sample Return, a multi-mission mission designed to repatriate Rock Sample Planet Mars the.

But this mission can not be done in the near future, NASA himself estimates this will take several years.

NASA giving reasons that currently the design is still a concept and the technology requires further development.

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