Home » today » World » Marta Hidalgo, daughter of Tina from ‘Las Grecas’, tells how she found out about her adoption

Marta Hidalgo, daughter of Tina from ‘Las Grecas’, tells how she found out about her adoption

  • Marta Hidalgo discovered in 2017 that she was the daughter of Tina Muñoz, from ‘Las Grecas’

  • The participant wins the full ‘Yes’ vote from the jury with her performance

  • See all ‘X Factor’ programs

Martha Hidalgo He appeared on ‘X Factor’ with the aim of extending his family’s legacy in music. The participant revealed before giving a beautiful performance that it was daughter of Tina Muñoz, one of the members of ‘Las Grecas’. “It’s a bittersweet story,” Marta explained.

“I was adopted at four years old and I have always had this artistic vein. When I knew my origin, everything made sense“, she told the jury. She and her sister had been adopted at the age of four, “when my mother was in a period of decline.” They were lucky enough to be adopted together by a family, but they did not know the truth of their origin until that his twin sister got married and they saw her birth certificates.

I put my name on Google and a lot of articles about my mother started to appear.. What struck me was the great resemblance between my mother and my twin sister (…) The best reunion was with my sisters. I thought I had my twin sister and she is already here but she had three more. “It was the part of my mother that I had left,” she added.

Marta said she felt lucky because what she wanted was to get answers. She now she has them and What he wants is to perpetuate his mother’s musical legacy. On ‘X Factor’, she did so by performing ‘Soy Rebelde’, which earned her a subsequent full of ‘Yeses’ and the praise of the jury.


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