Home » today » News » Marseille Deputy Mayor Advocates for Cannabis Legalization to Reduce Violence and Promote Equal Opportunity

Marseille Deputy Mayor Advocates for Cannabis Legalization to Reduce Violence and Promote Equal Opportunity

Faced with repeated score-settling and collateral victims of the war on drugs, Sébastien Barles, deputy mayor of Marseille, wants to experiment with the legalization of cannabis.

Invited this Thursday by BFM Marseille Provence, he went to defend a pragmatic policy, “which will make it possible to drastically reduce trafficking, therefore violence, therefore the climate of terror in working-class neighborhoods, to recreate a climate which can make it possible to place of public policies […] the return of real equality, to put back to work or training these young people who are caught up in trafficking today. »

“Everyone says it today, it’s a pragmatic measure. Safe chin thrusts don’t work, everyone says that.”

Correcting presenter Sophie Hebrard who questioned him about the lack of impact of prevention, Sébastien Barles clarified that “It is not prevention” but repression which has no effect. Hence the desire to legalize cannabis, in addition to the particular situation of trafficking in Marseille.

“Precisely because the situation in Marseille is particular, because there is this cartel logic that is being put in place, we must now experiment with legalization, see how it works, regulate, control trafficking, and implement prevention policies precisely. for young people to prevent them from smoking dangerous products. And we see it in Canada, it works, there is less consumption, especially among young people. »

“Legalization can allow better control [des produits]. »

Sophie Hebrard then asks him if, as Gérald Darmanin says, another drug will take the place of cannabis in the event of legalization?

“I think he doesn’t have advisors who can give him feedback from all the states, from Uruguay which has 10 years of experience, from Canada, from the American states where we see that it pays off including money that can be reinvested in working-class neighborhoods […] This is the only answer. Today we are putting 2 billion into repression of cannabis, just for police resources. It doesn’t lead to anything, it doesn’t solve anything,” Sébastien Barles replies.

“Even the reports of the majority of which Mr Darmanin is a part, the parliamentary reports, those who have studied the question, say so.”

2023-09-16 15:27:57
#Sébastien #Barles #deputy #mayor #Marseille #experiment #legalization #cannabis #Newsweed

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