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MARSEILLE: COVID-19, The ESS’OR Fund in support of impacted Social and Solidarity Economy structures


The South Region, the Banque des Territoires and the CEPAC Savings Bank create the ESS’OR Fund to support the structures of the Social and Solidarity Economy impacted by the health crisis.

This ESS’OR fund, endowed with € 1 million from the South Region, the Banque des Territoires and the Caisse d’Epargne CEPAC, is intended to meet the needs of SSE structures with a very strong social and territorial impact, in providing them with loans at rate 0, over 12 to 18 months and the amount of which can range from € 10,000 to € 100,000. This new financing should allow companies with social impact to consolidate their financial situation, by ensuring that financial assistance from banks is maintained and supporting them in the search for other financing for the revival of their activity. This fund, which is part of the Emergency, Solidarity and Recovery Plan for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, is complementary to the “COVID-Resistance” fund. The ESS’OR Fund is supported by the Regional Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy (CRESS) and operated by France Active, which will provide advice, support and funding to beneficiaries under the Relève Solidaire program.

Companies wishing to send a loan request can contact France active Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur (04 91 59 85 70 – [email protected]http://www.esia.org/). 7

The first loan allocation committees are scheduled to take place in the next 15 days, with funds to be released at the end of May.

For Renaud MUSELIER, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur Region, President of Regions of France,: “The Social and Solidarity Economy sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. However, alone, it represents 7.1% of the region’s GDP and 165,000 jobs, including 4,000 created in the last 5 years, or 30% of net creations in the regional territory. Since the beginning of the crisis, the South Region, leader of economic development, has been alongside regional companies and associations, whatever their size or their sector of activity. We have therefore committed 115 million euros to help them overcome this major crisis with dramatic consequences for our economy. After the “COVIDRésistance” Fund, the Region and the Banque des Territoires, now joined by CEPAC, wished to set up the ESS’OR Fund endowed with one million euros to provide specific support to the healthcare sector. ‘ESS whose financial needs are sometimes greater, or whose support is more difficult to cover by ordinary law tools. This new fund allows the granting of zero-rate loans ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 euros to reduce cash flow tensions and facilitate the recovery plan for these companies and associations. ESS’OR thus provides a complementary response to existing tools and in particular to the National Solidarity Fund and “COVID-Résistance”. More than ever, we must show unity in overcoming this unprecedented crisis and supporting our regional economy. Rest assured that we will not leave anyone by the wayside ” !

For Olivier Sichel, director of the Banque des Territoires: “The South Region and all our territories need the unity of all, faced with this health crisis. The Banque des Territoires is proud to participate in this partnership of territorial solidarity, to help alongside the Region and CEPAC, our associations, our businesses with an impact on the Social and Solidarity Economy. The economic lung of our city hearts, they are major players in social ties, in living together. ”

For Joël CHASSARD, Chairman of the Executive Board of the CEPAC Savings Bank: “As a private financier and major player in the region, Caisse d’Épargne CEPAC, faithful to its cooperative values, has always been committed to promoting the economic development of its territories and actions with a strong societal impact . Being useful and united is the mission of the Caisses d’Epargne, the leading national financier of the SSE. Everyone must participate in the collective effort and support those who work to reconcile economic activity and social equity. It is by being united that we will be able to get through this historic crisis. “

For Denis Philippe, President of the Regional Chamber of Companies of the ESS (CRESS SUD),: “The Social and Solidarity Economy Companies of our Region have been hit hard by this crisis. In order to enable them to overcome it and continue to assume their economic function, a specific device such as this “Relève Solidaire” loan fund is essential. CRESS, the legal representative of ESS companies, welcomes the establishment of this operation and the driving role played by the South Region and the Banque des Territoires, and by two of its members, CEPAC and France-Active. CRESS will mobilize its sites and its network to contribute to the optimal functioning and impact of this fund. “

For Jacques Bonnabel, chairman of the board of France Active Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur, and director of France Active,: “France Active with its finance and guarantee companies and its regional offices had to mobilize alongside all of its partners to, today, resist, and very quickly be able to support the revival of structures which are essential to the he future of our great southern region, by their impact on the territory as much as by their high social added value. Operator of this fund France Active will use its expertise to support the most committed entrepreneurs, identify their needs and build with each a recovery strategy. The unity and support shown during the creation of this fund is already a guarantee of success for the rebound of the players. “

About the South Region

A leader in economic development, the South Region is the leading partner for businesses. On March 30, it announced its Emergency, Solidarity and Recovery Plan, endowed with 1.4 billion euros to deal with the unprecedented crisis that is hitting our country. At the heart of this Plan, nearly 115 million euros are mobilized and available today to respond to the urgency of our businesses.

All information, links, and procedures are now specified on the site www.maregionsud.fr/entreprises-covid19 or on the region’s toll-free number: 0 805 805 145, for information or assistance in setting up files. @MaRegionSud

About the Banque des Territoires

Created in 2018, Banque des Territoires is one of the five professions of Caisse des Dépôts. It brings together in one structure internal expertise for the territories. As a single customer entry point, it offers tailor-made loan and investment advice and financing solutions to meet the needs of local authorities, social housing organizations, local public enterprises and the legal professions. It is aimed at all territories, from rural areas to metropolitan areas, with the ambition of combating social inequalities and territorial fractures. The Banque des Territoires is deployed in 16 regional offices and 35 regional offices of Caisse des Dépôts in order to be better identified with its customers and as close as possible to them.

For more attractive, inclusive, sustainable and connected territories. www.banquedesterritoires.fr @TankBank

About the CEPAC Savings Bank:

The Caisse d’Epargne CEPAC, a benchmark banking player in the Mediterranean and overseas regions, is a cooperative bank, a member of Groupe BPCE. It mobilizes more than 3,200 employees, 312,000 members, 250 agencies serving nearly 1.6 million customers and 10 business centers dedicated to businesses, local authorities, the social economy, social housing organizations , SEM and real estate professionals. The Caisse d’Epargne CEPAC also presents a wide range of professions
specialized: structured finance, private equity, and real estate investment. Bank of diversity, the Caisse d’Epargne CEPAC is anchored in a vast territory which covers 13 departments and / or local authorities (Bouches-du-Rhône, Vaucluse, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Hautes-Alpes , Corsica, Reunion, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Martinique, Guyana and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon). It operates on 3 continents and 6 time zones, thus facilitating its availability for customers. 30% of its activity is now overseas. It invests each year in numerous patronage and partnership actions, which revolve around 3 axes: sport, culture and solidarity.

About Cress

For more than 30 years, the Regional Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy Companies (CRESS SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) has been the institutional player which is the legal reference and the voice of businesses in the ESS in the South region. Its missions have been included since July 31, 2014 in the law relating to the social and solidarity economy.
CRESS is a business movement bringing together associations, cooperatives, foundations, mutuals, social enterprises and employers’ unions in its territory.
CRESS offers its member companies support that promotes consolidation and their development.
Acting as a true aggregator of services for its companies, the Regional Chamber: Accompany its members in the ongoing changes | Facilitates the management of their activities | Contributes to their competitiveness in their markets.

www.cresspaca.org @ESSenPACA

About France Active Paca

Created in 2002 by the State, the SUD Region, Caisse des Dépôts and France Active, FRANCE ACTIVE PROVENCEALPES-CÔTE-D’AZUR, is responsible for funding, supporting and networking in the Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur, committed companies, those whose responsible and responsible projects and practices contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive society.
Pioneer of solidarity finance in France, France Active supports each year in Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur 800 solidarity and responsible companies, finances more than 250 companies, and commits 10 M € of financing on the territory, thanks to its investment company and its warranty company.
Its team of experts is present throughout the country with locations in Marseille, Toulon, Avignon, Nice and Gap. It works to develop jobs and activities and to reinforce good practices in committed companies, in close collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders: local authorities, banking partners, support networks, consultants, etc.

Contact 04 91 59 85 70 [email protected]


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