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Mars’ Jezero Crater: New Research Reveals Surprising Facts

SPACE — Jezero Crater is the landing site for the American Space Agency’s (NASA) Perseverance rover on Mars. Perseverance arrived on Mars on February 18 2018.

The rover has taken a lot of data on the Jezero Crater, which is believed to hold many secrets of the planet Mars. It is hoped that the data obtained from studying Jezero Crater will reveal Mars’ past.

Mars, which is now arid, was once believed to be a fertile planet.
Perseverance has a landing target of 7.7 kilometers x 6.6 kilometers inside Jezero Crater.

In the latest research published in the journal Science Advancescientists from UCLA and the University of Oslo have revealed a surprising fact.

Research reveals that the Jezero crater, previously thought to be a potential site of ancient life, was once home to a lake. This finding raises hopes of finding traces of life on the Red Planet.

The following are facts about Jezero crater:
Jezero Crater is located in a region called Isidis Planitia, just north of the equator in Mars’ eastern hemisphere.

Jezero Crater is located within a giant basin 1,200 kilometers in diameter that was formed 3 billion to 4 billion years ago when a large comet or asteroid hit the Red Planet.

According to NASA, there is evidence to suggest that the river once flowed into Jezero. The river forms a delta that has long since dried up. Jezero Crater is believed to hold the remains of an ancient delta.

Scientists believe that Jezero used to be a lake several hundred feet deep. The scientists who chose Perseverance’s landing site knew that Jezero contained deposits with clay and carbonates.

Mud and carbonate deposits are evidence that water may have formed a channel which then carried sediment to form a delta there.

2024-01-30 23:35:00
#Jezero #Crater #Biggest #Secret #Planet #Mars

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