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“Mars is alive”: The InSight probe records 174 seismic events during its mission on the red planet

The data obtained in the first 10 months of observations reveal that it is seismically active.

The results of the first 10 months of probe observations Insight NASA’s Mars managed to reveal that the red planet is a seismically active world. “Mars is alive, and every day I get more insight into the big picture,” tweeted The mission account on Twitter.

“Finally, for the first time, we have established that Mars is a seismically active planet“said InSight principal investigator Bruce Banerdt of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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The investigation revealed that Mars trembles more often than Earth, but also more gently than expected. Seismic data obtained during the first 10 months of the InSight mission on Mars revealed a total of 174 seismic events.

Of those events, 150 were surface tremors of small magnitude whose vibrations propagated through the Martian crust. The others were a little stronger and deeper, with origins in various places of the Martian mantle. The most powerful tremor had a magnitude of about 4.0.

Mars does not have an active plate tectonics like Earth, so researchers explain that the martemots are caused by the long-term cooling of the red planet since its formation 4.5 billion years ago. “As the planet cools, it contracts, and then the fragile outer layers have to fracture to stay on the surface, “said Banerdt.

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