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Mars in Aries, the effects on the horoscope and zodiac signs

Usually Mars spends about 40 days in one sign, but in 2020 nothing is normal, nothing is like the other times. An example? on June 28, 2020 Mars passes to Aries where it gives the best and the maximum. But its transit this time will last until early January 2021, until Epiphany! For this you must prepare yourself for a hot, intense semester, full of promises and energies. Find out now how and why with theHoroscope sign by sign.

The long effects of Mars in Aries on the zodiac signs

Aries: Your best energy becomes something true, a promise made on purpose to get to do everything you can, what you want, because this time you are the protagonist. A thousand things to do, attentive to tiredness.

Toro: those you love may be a little less present and decisive, something that you can very well use to take care of yourself, to start diets, to do all those things that you find easier with him. You decide to love yourself, to be enough for yourself.

Gemini: passions and dreams are now something easy and possible, especially if you take initiatives together with friendly people who will be your accomplices. You decide that you can afford it, which is beautiful. Impossible to curb your thirst for news, for different things.

Cancer: your second semester begins in a decidedly intense, heated, important way. You will perhaps be asked to give your best and the maximum, to never save energy, to really commit to work and everything that depends on you. Pay attention to autumn.

Leone: the energy of Mars becomes a friend, the best ally if you have to demonstrate a certain strength, determination. You will want to fall in love with distant people and things, to travel, to discover new things to feel truly alive.

Virgin: finally he can perceive you as sweet, understanding and relaxed. The two-way dialogue starts again (and improves), the energy that you breathe in pairs, meanwhile he will decide to take an important initiative, something that you also care a lot. Maybe give him a hand.

Weight scale: until the end of the year it will be impossible to hide your great passion, the warmth that brings you closer to the people next to you. A tip not to be mistaken? Try not to lose sight of diplomacy, never be too direct, especially from mid-May to mid-November.

Scorpio: Mars invites you to live more introspectively, to continue your 2020 by looking more often inside, to discover important forces and reasons for pride. You will be able to solve small problems, to feel at ease with everything.

Sagittario: your opportunities are growing on purpose to have fun, to turn on dreams and projects. Mars looks like you because, like you, it loves to challenge, to test itself. There will be unique opportunities to bring your best energy into play.

Capricorn: Mars now gives you all the strength and courage you need to face (head-on) a private matter, to engage with family people, becoming a precious, special person. In September do not give too much room for impatience.

aquarium: with Mars now you can say and speak courageously, always knowing how to impose your ideas, how to assert your interests. You will be lucky especially when you communicate in the workplace, with colleagues.

Fishes: Mars abandons you after weeks in which you had him near, and you don’t mind too much. Because you can finally find calm and serenity, because you can stop chasing everything and everyone to love. The haste to do concretely grows, the need to test yourself.

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