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Mars. £ azik Perseverance took a picture of a mysterious object. The close-up shows its texture

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NASA has released a recording of the Perserverance rover landing

Jeep Perseverance, which has been exploring the surface of Mars since February 2021, provides Earth with more amazing photos and information from the Red Planet almost every day. Some of them are of no scientific value, and are only a curiosity. Recently, the vehicle’s instruments have photographed, for example, a rock fragment stuck in the rover’s wheel and has been in it for months.

An unusual object on Mars. He came from Earth

Now, scientists from the mission team have posted on Twitter a photo of a rather unusual item that Perseverance found on Mars. At first glance oka it resembles the surrounding rocks, but after zooming in on the photos, you can see that it differs significantly in color and texture.

However, scientists did not keep us in suspense for long. The suspect object is probably a small piece of a thermal blanket that was dragged to Mars from our planet. According to researchers, this may be a fragment of the foil that covered the rocket platform under which the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity drone landed more than a year ago.

It is not certain, however, how this trash ended up in two kilometres from where the platform fell. There are two options. Either it broke away at a considerable height during landing and glided alone to this place, or it was carried here by the wind a little later.

This is not the first time we observe the remnants of the Mars 2020 mission landing on the Red Planet. Under end April Ingenuity’s drone found and photographed from the air the parachute under which Perseverance landed and the cover that protected the rover and drone during its flight from Earth to Mars. The cover was thrown back on landing and struck the surface of Mars at a speed of 126 km / h.

More space curiosities from Mars can be found at Gazeta.pl

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