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Marques Mendes warns of the possibility of a political crisis in 2022 – O Jornal Económico

Commentator and former PSD leader Luís Marques Mendes warned on Sunday that the country could face a new political crisis in 2022. Luís Marques Mendes considers that the second government of António Costa is “weaker”, “unstable” and “Without mobilizing causes” than the first and could fall after the 2021 presidential and local elections.

“The Government that is now in office is neither stronger nor stronger than the previous one. This government is weaker. First, it has less stability. It has more votes, more deputies, but it is a more precarious and unstable Government, because the Geringonça is over. Now it’s agreements a la carte and may even fall. Not now, but after local elections there may be a political crisis, ”said Luís Marques Mendes, in his usual comment space at SIC.

The commentator recalled that for the last four years, the Government has always had the support of the left to approve the state budgets, but that will not be the case now. He also argued that the State Budget 2020 proposal (SO 2020) should be approved with the abstention of the Communist Party (PCP) and Left Bloc (BE).

“This budget is clearly passing, because no one will want to create a political crisis in the first budget when we just had elections. In a year’s time, the budget for 2021 will also pass, because no one will want to open a political crisis on the eve of an election for president of the Republic or on the eve of a Portuguese presidency in the European Union. The problem will be two years from now, in the third budget for 2022, ”he said.

He added: “Who will approve this budget? It will not be easy. There may be a political crisis, but it will depend on several factors. From the state of the Government, whether or not it is longer. From the state of the polls. If the PS is low may be crisis. And the result of the local elections and whoever is the leader of the PSD, ”said the former Social Democratic leader.

According to Luis Marques Mendes, this will translate into fewer laws to be presented by the Government in Parliament and “less government action”.

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