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Markus Lanz (ZDF): That’s why Donald Trump’s Twitter lock is necessary

The storm on the US Capitol is still a media event. Markus Lanz and his guests discuss the role of US President Donald Trump.

  • Markus Lanz: ZDF presenter compares Protests in the USA with “Wild West”.
  • US-Präsident Donald Trump drives Markus Lanz to white heat.
  • Is Donald Trumps-Twitter-Sperre legitimate?

Hamburg-AltonaJoe Biden will be sworn in as the new President of the USA on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Together with Vice President Kamala Harris it is his goal to unite a badly divided country. A more than difficult undertaking, not least of which was the violent one Sturm on the Kapitol in Washington testifies. This is also what ZDF talk show host Markus Lanz is concerned with and his Hamburg round. The main focus is on Donald Trump, still incumbent head of state and provocateur in personal union.

45th President of the United States: Donald Trump
Born: June 14, 1946 (age 74), Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York City, New York, United States
Size: 1,9 m
Political party: Republican Party
Spouse: Melania Trump (verh. 2005), Marla Maples (verh. 1993–1999), Ivana Trump (verh. 1977–1992)
Children: Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump

Markus Lanz (ZDF): Storming the US Capitol shocks Hamburg presenter

Because Donald Trump is considered to be the instigator of Protests, another threatens him Impeachment proceedings. In the talk show edition from Tuesday, January 12, 2021, shows ZDF presenter Markus Lanz visibly appalled by what was going on in the USA has played. The connected correspondent Elmar Theveßen reported impressively on the events in front of the American government building on January 6, 2021. According to the journalist, the violence the Protesters Not only directed against police officers, but also against the media representatives present.

Is US President Donald Trump’s Twitter ban legal? (24hamburg.de assembly)

© Gerald Herbert/AP/dpa & ZUMA Wire/imago images

“The media were also called traitors, enemies of the people,” says von Theveßen. Some of the protesters even destroyed the press team’s equipment. “They then wound the gallows loops from our cables and hung them on the tree – that was very clear and unambiguous,” he adds ZDF-Correspondent the Hamburger Round with moderator Markus Lanz to shudder.

US President Donald Trump in focus – responsible for struggle and violence?

Fast is also US-Präsident Donald Trump Topic of conversation. This one had Fire speech to struggle and violence called, but in retrospect did not want to know anything more about it. According to Theveßen, many people would move from Trump’s words to violent ones Protest feel called. “These people believe they are doing absolutely good,” reports Elmar Theveßen. This leads to head shaking at the talk show host, who is stunned and struggles for words. In such a condition, he can only be found in corona shock forecasts by Karl Lauterbach (SPD).

When Markus Lanz is master of his senses again, he grasps them Riots in Washington in a nutshell: “This is the Wild West. This brutality. ”One of his guests, strategy advisor Julius van der Laar, is certain that an earlier intervention by the security forces would have been possible. “All the alarm bells really should have gone off,” said van de Laar.

Markus Lanz (ZDF): Twitter blocks Donald Trump – interference with freedom of expression?

But life is not a subjunctive and the excesses were stopped late. Something similar can be said about the Donald Trump’s Twitter activity hold tight. During his four-year term in office, it was repeatedly requested that his account on the social media service should be blocked. The damage Trump would cause with his tweets is too great. While SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz is certain that Trump will split the USA, his party colleague Ralf Stegner is even of the opinion that the US president is endangering democracy.

Anyway: Twitter has now reacted and the account of the US presidents blocked. This would go with the violent protests as well Capitol-Sturm in Washington being related. The big question that the Hamburg round of Markus Lanz busy: Make this too strong an intervention in the freedom of speech dar? Totally unusual for the talk show, there is agreement on this matter. All against Trump, quasi.

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“I would say the blocking is correct,” says Klaus Brinbräumer. The journalist also explains that large corporations like Facebook or Twitter should in principle also be responsible for the content that is published on their platforms. Julius van de Laar goes one step further. The strategy advisor calls for a state control of Social media. “I think it is the state’s job to draw in the guard rails there.”

With what final consequences Donald Trump now has to reckon is still open. A permanent one Twitter lock as well as a Impeachment proceedings are under discussion. The-still-President may even be prohibited from doing the US election 2024 to run again as a candidate. “Anything is conceivable” is the basic tenor of the Hamburger Runde. That will work out too Markus Lanz think, who recently had to read the riot act to an ardent Trump fan. * 24hamburg.de is part of the Ippen digital network.

Rubriklistenbild: © Gerald Herbert/AP/dpa & ZUMA Wire/imago images

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