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Markus Blocher is the new “CEO of the year” – no boss is more profitable

The CEO of the Aargau pharmaceutical supplier Dottikon ES can be happy. The financial analyst Obermatt has chosen Markus Blocher as “CEO of the year”. He was particularly impressed by the operational performance.

Markus Blocher at the opening of the Dottikon ES laboratory extension.

Chris Iseli

(of) Every year, the Zurich financial analyst Obermatt creates a ranking of the performance of the bosses of the largest Swiss groups. He takes a close look at growth, operational efficiency and strategy. In the most recent evaluation, a well-known figure swings up: Markus Blocher, majority shareholder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Dottikon ES, leads the ranking in the category of medium-sized companies, as the “Sonntagszeitung” published.

Blocher was particularly unbeatable when it came to operational performance. He had the best grip on costs, the most efficiently managed his company, and knew how to increase profits above average. He also scored points in sales growth. He gained market share.

Blocher, however, does not come first in the return on shares. This is due to the fact that Dottikon ES does not pay a dividend despite the comfortable profit situation. The focus is on the investments that create jobs in Aargau.

The pharmaceutical contract manufacturer Dottikon ES is very successful even in demanding times. If you take the stock market price as a benchmark, the company has had a fantastic twelve months with a price gain of the order of 50 percent.

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