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Marktoberdorf budget draft: record budget with investments in education and transport

The old St. Martins Kindergarten is moving and the after-school care center will also find a new place. And the city will invest a total of eleven million euros in its schools in 2021.

© Hirschberg

Marktoberdorf – Only at the end of the debate on the 2021 budget did the Finance Committee come to life. He does not see any future vision in the present paper, said Green City Councilor Christian Vavra and warned of a lack of investment in local public transport or covered bicycle parking spaces as a signal for the expansion of bicycle traffic. “If a budget is future-oriented, then this one,” replied Thorsten Krebs (CSU). “We are investing more than one million euros in the construction of cycle paths and sidewalks alone. In addition, there are several millions that will be spent on building new schools and kindergartens and thus on the future of our children. “

But one after the other. Last Tuesday, the finance committee recommended the budget for 2021 to further scrutiny by the city council with a 12: 1 vote. And even if Mayor Dr. Wolfgang Hell initially only spoke out cautiously in favor of the design, but called the financial development of the city treasury more than gratifying. “Contrary to expectations, we were able to close the year 2020 solidly and do not see any nasty surprises in store for us in 2021.” With an investment volume of around 23 million euros and two million euros to repay loans – that’s how difficult the asset budget is this year in the summer – the city breaks records. Last year it made around ten million euros less. This year the city budget will total around 75 million euros.

It is well known that there are also major construction projects pending. For its schools alone, the city plans to put almost eleven million euros on the table in 2021. Of this, four million euros have been included for the construction of the alternative school at Modeon, while city treasurer Wolfgang Guggenmos booked five million euros for the replacement building of the St. Martin School and the attached after-school care center. And the new kindergarten building on Saliterstrasse is also growing upwards. 2.5 million euros are earmarked for this in 2021.

Infrastructure, fire protection and sport

The city is also digging deep into its pockets when it is expanding or renovating its municipal roads. Above all, the expansion of Hochwiesstrasse should be mentioned here, which will cost 750,000 euros for 2021. Furthermore, the city expects expenses for the renewal of the Selbensberg through-road (650,000 euros), for the expansion of St. Mang Strasse in Leuterschach (300,000 euros), Immenhofener Strasse (340,000 euros), the Fürgenweg in Geisenried (300,000 euros) and for the Renovation of sidewalks and cycle paths along Schwabenstrasse (150,000 euros). 100,000 euros each are earmarked for the planning of the old hospital area and bridge renovations. The city treasurer expects income of 500,000 euros from the sale of land in Geisenried.

The city is also planning millions of euros for the fire brigades as well as the local clubs and social institutions. The city spends 920,000 euros for the purchase of vehicles (530,000 euros), for the Geisenried fire station (190,000 euros) and the fire water supply (200,000 euros). As in previous years, she pays around one million euros in voluntary benefits. The indoor swimming pool with 55,000 euros, the Bergwaldbächle Bertoldshofen (100,000 euros) and the Modeon with 150,000 euros have to be renovated.

Two cranes and a first floor … The kindergarten on Saliterstraße is under construction. Around 2.5 million euros are budgeted for the new building this year.

© Hirschberg

On the income side, the city expects around 40 million euros, which will flow in particular from trade tax (23 million euros), the municipal share of sales tax (around eleven million euros) and property taxes A and B (around 2.8 million euros) . City treasurer Guggenmos is confident that around 8.8 million euros could be added to the property budget from the administrative budget. The district levy, i.e. what the city has to pay to the district, amounts to around 11.8 million euros.

A solid budget, as Mayor Hell reiterated. Which does not provide any reason to be overly generous. A budget, however, that sends a positive signal to the economy with numerous investments.

Angelika Hirschberg

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