Journalist and writer Markku Saksa has died at the age of 75.

Markku Saksa photographed with Anne Lammila at the Finnish Independence Day celebration in St. Petersburg. Lammila worked as the head of the Consulate General in St. Petersburg. AOP
Journalist and writer Mark Germany has died at the age of 75. Several long-time German journalist colleagues and friends have written obituaries on social media. Ilta-Sanomat was the first to report the death.
During his career, Germany wrote both books and articles about events in Latin America, among other things. Saksa graduated from Sanoma’s journalism school in 1967. He wrote for Lännen Media, Helsingin Sanomi, Ilta-Sanom, Suomen Kuvalehti and Apu, among others. During his career, Saksa also worked as a special editor of Iltalehti.
For example, a non-fiction writer and a journalist remember Germany in their Facebook posts Rauli Virtanen.
– Markku Saksa, the country’s excellent journalist and friend over the decades, took and left broken by a serious illness. As memories, the joyous encounters tinged with Make’s humor at Press Clubs, Kosmos, Töölöntor, South America… As well as Anne’s (Anne Lammila) and at Make’s home in St. Petersburg.
#Markku #Saksa #died