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Marketing Rouge signs the new web series Origine Nature | Atig news

Rouge marketing sign the new web seriesOriginal natureentitled “Dans notre nature”, a video work in four episodes that shows the unique journeys of the enthusiasts behind the Quebec recreational cannabis brand Origine Nature.

Each episode, based on a specific theme, tells the story of four dynamic leaders, united by their passion to provide an authentic and unifying experience. Combining documentary and testimony, these videos offer an intimate picture of the passion and determination of these people.

“Through the artistic approach used, we try to humanize and understand the visceral and prosaic journey of a team. We also support them in their daily lives,” we say Cyril Papaixcreation of a vice president at Rouge marketing.

This campaign aims to eradicate cannabis by showing that it is possible to succeed and lead a healthy life while eating sensibly. It also strengthens the reputation of the Origine Nature brand, by highlighting its values ​​and the quality of its products grown in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, in Quebec.

The “In our nature” series is available on our website Original Nature YouTube Channel.

To know more about the nature of Origin, Click here.

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Client: Origin Nature
Advisory service: Stéphanie Lambert and Juliette Fachena
Opinion: Alexandre Sabourin and Nicolas Bellavance
Creative direction and artistic direction: Cyril Papaix
Director: Nicolas Bellavance
Production: Gabrielle Lusignan
Video direction: Jean Ladouceur
Production coordinator: Klaude Parent
Editing: Nicolas Bellavance, Jean Ladouceur and Caroline Arbic

2024-08-21 18:03:37
#Marketing #Rouge #signs #web #series #Origine #Nature #Atig #news

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