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Marketing for North Hesse’s Champions

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In Schönfeld Park: The team of the digital creative agency. © Ulf Schaumlöffel

From lead generation to funnel campaigns to good old mailings: the marketing solutions of the digital creative agency are as diverse as the challenges facing companies in Kassel and the surrounding area. HNA’s in-house agency offers pragmatic solutions for North Hesse’s champions – and everyone who wants to become one.

From content production to multi-channel marketing campaigns, customers of the digital creative agency receive everything from a single source. The solution is always geared to the customer-specific challenges: “We know our customers and we have the know-how to advise our customers comprehensively, design their advertising materials and display them precisely in the appropriate channels for the target group,” explains Miriam Donnert, Managing Director of DKA and Head of Business Customers at HNA. The customers that HNA and DKA serve together are as diverse as the region: from the VW plant in Baunatal to the owner-managed care service around the corner, everything is included.

With professional advice, we ensure that no customer is left behind, explains Miriam Donnert: “Small and medium-sized companies often have difficulty presenting their products or services successfully in digital marketing. It is difficult to compete with large companies that have a large marketing budget. We offer these companies the right solutions. This includes the creation of a professional website, Google Ads, content marketing, social media marketing and classic banner advertising.”

Social Recruiting: Finding new employees

When developing new products, particular attention is currently being paid to the area of ​​social recruiting. “Finding skilled workers and trainees is an important issue for all customers. One of our top offers is currently our funnel marketing, a modern tool for attracting new employees to your own company. We combine a social media campaign with an interactive landing page. There, interested parties go through an application process quickly and easily – the applications then go directly to the customer’s HR department,” explains Florian Rappe, Head of Digital Marketing at DKA.

The ePaper interstitial is particularly popular with customers from the region – a full-page ad that is displayed between the first pages of the hna ePaper. “The ad links directly to the customer’s website or their application portal – maximum attention is guaranteed!”

“Our absolute advantage is that together we can offer our customers a huge range of solutions. From ad design and placement to video or podcast production, everything is possible. We offer everything from a single source,” says Donnert. For many regular customers from the region, for example car dealerships, the market hall and the Königs-Galerie in Kassel, but also large grocery stores, it is precisely this mix of classic print and innovative digital advertising that gets them to their goal. esy

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