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Marketing automation: The top 5 application scenarios

In the digital age, it is difficult to imagine addressing customers with relevant content individually and efficiently at the same time. Because the contact points are becoming more and more diverse and customers everywhere expect services and information tailored to their needs. With marketing automation, these challenges can be mastered in many fields of application. Here are the top 5 application scenarios in detail!

In order to fully exploit the potential of marketing automation software, you should consider which marketing and sales processes can be automated with regard to which goals to be achieved: If the company wants to generate leads, increase cross- and upselling potential with existing customers, loyalty Reward customers or wake up inactive customers from deep sleep? Once these questions have been answered, marketers can use the diverse functions of the software in a targeted manner to inspire customers at all contact points with useful content – both effectively and efficiently, thanks to marketing automation. The following five scenarios show what this looks like in practice.

1. Lead Generation – From anonymous website visitor to lead

The first step in acquiring new customers is to convert unknown prospects into contactable leads. It is promising to draw attention to a content tidbit on your own website at many touchpoints (inbound marketing) and then make it available to incoming website visitors free of charge if they provide their contact details. Checklists, e-books or white papers can be used as high-quality, useful and relevant content. If an interested party has taken the bait and would like to download the content, they will receive it free of charge in exchange for their e-mail address. He can enter the data on a customizable, dynamic landing page with an integrated web form. If the company already knows the interested party, the web form can already be filled out or new, additional information can be requested – ideally on a voluntary basis. Once the potential lead has left their contact details and confirmed this and their interest as part of a legally compliant double opt-in process, the way is clear for a personalized lead nurturing campaign. It accompanies the customer automatically and step by step until he is ready for a sales talk or a purchase decision. The prospect became a new customer.

Lead generation with trial version

A software manufacturer could, for example, offer a demo version instead of content or grant time-limited test access. If the user has registered on the landing page, an automated campaign will start after a successful double opt-in. A thank you email (for registering) will be followed seven days later by a reminder asking you to test the software if you haven’t already done so. If the interested party has not reacted after a further two weeks, they will receive a second reminder à la “last chance”. If the customer uses the trial version, he is offered the paid product.

2. Event support – satisfied participants are potential leads

Whether webinars, online workshops or on-site events and in-house exhibitions – registration for events is almost always done online. Here, companies have the opportunity to ask for their consent to receive advertising e-mails or the company newsletter when registering. If the interested party agrees via double opt-in and leaves their contact details, the company can continue to process them with the help of marketing automation campaigns – at the latest after the event – or provide them with information via newsletter. The event itself can also be accompanied by an automated mailing sequence.

Event support with marketing automation

  1. After registration, the participant will receive a confirmation email.
  2. A first reminder e-mail about a week before the event should convey anticipation, briefly outline the contents of the event and encourage recommendation in order to generate more participants.
  3. An e-mail 24 hours before the start of the event can increase the excitement even more.
  4. In the case of online events, the participant will receive an e-mail shortly beforehand with the access data and any additional content.
  5. Shortly after the event, a thank you e-mail with a recording, documents or other useful content ensures a memorable conclusion. For digital events, the e-mails should be adapted to participants and non-participants.

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3. Existing customer communication – use cross- and upselling potential

If you want to successfully master the entire route from prospective customers to loyal existing customers, you should provide your new customers with useful content directly and increase their satisfaction with reliable information and offers of help. An automated onboarding or welcome campaign following the initial purchase is ideal for this: If the customer has bought a specific product, they are provided with tips on the product purchased and additional services are recommended. If a customer only follows the links but does not order again, a discount code could possibly help. In this way, companies can efficiently onboard their new customers and tap into cross-selling potential right from the start. But existing customers are also ideal for cross- and upselling activities. Here, previous orders or orders as well as accumulated customer data can serve as the basis for new offers. With the help of a marketing automation solution that collects and analyzes this data and makes it available for segmentation, providers quickly filter out those customers who are interested in other products and services from their portfolio.

Upselling at the maintenance appointment

A maintenance appointment is due soon for a production machine that a customer bought years ago. There is now a successor model to this machine. The customer receives a mailing asking them to make an appointment, peppered with useful content such as maintenance tips and use cases from customers who are already using the new device. The marketing automation software records which customer clicked on which content and forwards this information to the CRM system. This is where customer service comes into play, which ideally can carry out the upselling as soon as the appointment is made. The maintenance technician or sales representative on site can also call up all the information in the system in order to act optimally at a customer appointment.

4. Customer Loyalty – Once a customer, always a customer

Even if the path to becoming a repeat buyer was crowned with success, marketers cannot rest on their laurels. Because the goal is “loyal existing customer”. The task now is to consolidate the customer relationship and to further strengthen and, above all, reward customer loyalty. For this purpose, he regularly receives personalized e-mails, which can contain, for example, customer satisfaction surveys, exclusive additional offers or invitations to customer events. It is also expedient to send a special newsletter to the group of long-term customers or premium users. This exclusive and tailored content is ideal for appreciating regular customers while maximizing customer lifetime value.

A welcome occasion

A little tip: Small things can also make a big difference. A greeting or a birthday voucher that is automatically sent will generate enthusiasm a week before the special day – according to the motto “Make yourself happy”. If the voucher is not redeemed, a reminder follows. A mailing route as a thank you for loyalty on the occasion of the customer’s anniversary is also conceivable.

5. Reactivation – waking customers from their slumber

If a customer has been inactive for a long time, he does not have to be lost yet. Companies should definitely try to wake up such customers if they have potential. An automated campaign helps to reactivate. It is important to consider how long and why they are dormant. Indications of this may arise from the data in the CRM or marketing automation system: When did the customer last buy? When was the last mailing opened, an article in the newsletter clicked on or content downloaded? The period of time can be defined in the software, after which a reactivation campaign starts automatically: The customer then receives an e-mail with an activating subject or a discount code. If it still does not start, further actions follow.

Data update with added value

A regular data comparison is the ideal starting point for reconnecting with dormant customers. With the help of marketing automation, providers can send suitable emails to check that customer profiles are up-to-date and complete. However, there should always be added value for the recipient, for example high-quality content or exclusive information.

Conclusion: Marketing automation as an answer in many scenarios

If companies are aware of the marketing and sales scenario they are currently in, marketing automation can provide perfect support in achieving the set goals more effectively and efficiently. The customer approach supported by marketing automation plays to its strengths in every phase of the customer lifecycle and helps to bind customers to the company and increase customer value.

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