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Markdorf: SC Markdorf creates a new support center for talented young footballers

Particularly talented kickers are lucky: if they make a positive impression during the SC Markdorf trial, they have the chance to receive special support. After taking office two years ago, youth coordinator Ewald Schmid laid the foundation for the Gehrenbergtalente support center with an additional training session for particularly talented players. “Now, after such a long period of preparation, we are happy that we can finally get started,” says Andreas Bauer from the organization team of the support center.

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Two A license trainers challenge and promote

And with concentrated power and due to the growing number of players with another coach: Daniel Schmid, who has also been coaching the first team in the district league since the winter break, is involved in the talent factory alongside his father Ewald Schmid. Both are UEFA A license holders.

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Video: Christiane Keutner

Sweat flows for about an hour and a half while dribbling and running, practicing passes and tricking. The trainers correct, praise, draw attention to mistakes. Anyone who is allowed to swap the blue jersey for the neon red one is happy: they have made it from a “normal” player to a talent – and finally the children and young people can play together again after the end of the corona-related measures.

Finally training on the football field again

During the pandemic, this was not possible or only possible to a limited extent. The measures taken by the state government and accordingly by the South Baden Football Association had banned matches in which players could have infected each other. That’s why the soccer training took place online.

Coach Ewald Schmid (left) and organizer Thomas Engel observe the game with a sharpened and critical eye.Coach Ewald Schmid (left) and organizer Thomas Engel observe the game with a sharpened and critical eye.

Coach Ewald Schmid (left) and organizer Thomas Engel observe the game with a sharpened and critical eye. | Image: Christiane Keutner

That and the live training sessions showed rapid success. “Hard work and ambition have paid off. Thanks to the consistent training in the youth teams, coupled with the weekly remedial training, the boys have developed really well,” says Ewald Schmid. Two players were invited to try out at VfB Stuttgart.

The trainers and organizers of the young Gehrenberg talents (from left): Ewald Schmid, Thomas Engel, Daniel Schmid and Andreas Bauer.The trainers and organizers of the young Gehrenberg talents (from left): Ewald Schmid, Thomas Engel, Daniel Schmid and Andreas Bauer.

The trainers and organizers of the young Gehrenberg talents (from left): Ewald Schmid, Thomas Engel, Daniel Schmid and Andreas Bauer. | Image: Christiane Keutner

Here you stay in contact with the club, because the ten-year-olds are still too young for continuous training in Stuttgart, according to Thomas Engel, the second organizer. Three players went to Stockach for DFB training. “That’s great feedback for us,” says Ewald Schmid, while he follows a boy and observes how many “roll overs” he does. “Not enough,” he decides and spurs him on.

Young people already show a strong will

The second group is supervised by Daniel Schmid. Here, too, commands alternate with calls, tips and rebukes. “Dribbling, now 30 seconds high speed, more stepovers, roll over, Zidane. Now stroking the ball, now juggling. That’s good, men!”

That's how it goes boys!  Coach Daniel Schmid in the middle of the young Gehrenberg talents.  The players in the blue jersey complete a...That's how it goes boys!  Coach Daniel Schmid in the middle of the young Gehrenberg talents.  The players in the blue jersey complete a...

That’s how it goes boys! Coach Daniel Schmid in the middle of the young Gehrenberg talents. The players in the blue jersey complete a trial session here. | Image: Christiane Keutner

“We’ve had incredible successes since the beginning of the year, it’s amazing,” enthuses Thomas Engel, who attributes this to the “top coaches, small groups and the will of the young players” aged nine to 13.

Many of the guys want to become professionals later

In fact, it is pronounced. The three respondents are all Bayern Munich fans and want to play as professionals later. Salvatore Tavella is 13 and started football when he was nine. “I want to get better and progress and do it as a job and play professionally,” he said, explaining his participation in the remedial training.

Salvatore Tavella, 13 years old: “I want to do this as a job and play professionally.” Image: Christiane Keutner

Cristiano Ronaldo is his role model, “because he can do so many tricks and is quick on the wing and up front.” Salvatore is also a striker. He finds the warm-up a bit exhausting, but otherwise everything is a lot of fun, he says. “The trainers are like friends, you can also talk to them privately.” And what does he say about the challenging training? “If you really want to achieve something, you reach your limits, but I can handle it,” says the Bayern Munich and Real Madrid fan.

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Trainers are “strict enough and sometimes nice”

Jakob Engel has been playing at SCM since he was five. He didn’t get into football through his father, it was the other way around. “The training is fun. Something is required here and sometimes it is very exhausting, but it works. I like juggling best, holding the ball with my foot or on my foot, but running all the time is not my thing,” says the ten-year-old.

Jakob Engel, 10 years old: “I like juggling best.” | Image: Christiane Keutner

But FC Bayern and VfB Stuttgart are his, and his favorite kicker is Joshua Kimmich. He thinks the trainers at SCM are good, “because you learn a lot from them, because they are strict enough, but sometimes nice”. Later Jakob wants to be a soccer player, preferably with Bayern Munich. He’s sporty anyway: he swims, but has given up gymnastics because of football.

Florian Bauer, 12 years old: “My role model is Kylian Mbappé, because he’s fast and good at dribbling.” | Image: Christiane Keutner

Because he wants to get better, Florian Bauer is now wearing the neon red jersey. He also has a clear goal in mind: the twelve-year-old wants to be a Bundesliga player. When he’s not exhausting himself playing soccer during the school break, the central midfielder doesn’t find training on the playing field too strenuous. In addition to FC Bayern, his favorites are the Paris St. Germain team. His role model is Kylian Mbappé, the Paris miracle striker impresses him because of his speed “and because he’s good at dibbles”.

The decision will be made during the trial session

Let’s continue: The trainers watch their protégés with eagle eyes, encourage them to drink from time to time, and look at the blue-clad athletes who are going through the trial training session to see whether they have any special talent and the necessary bite for the remedial training and the neon red jersey. “Depending on their age, we differentiate how they play with the ball, their game overview and their dynamics,” says coach Daniel Schmid and sprints back to his boys.

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Video: Christiane Keutner

By the way, they don’t have to belong to the SCM, they can also come from Kluftern or Oberteuringen, for example. “Anyone can join us, they just have to pass the trial training with us,” says Thomas Engel.

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