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Markazia- Bkerki Presidential Compass: The crisis is not Christian!

Laura Yammine

central- The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi, addressed those awaiting a presidential initiative from Bkerke, saying, “They are talking about dialogue and about an initiative from the Patriarchate. The Patriarchal See, which has never hesitated to shoulder the responsibility, wishes all political forces to share the responsibility with it openly and clearly, so that success will be ours all.” If the President of the Republic is a Maronite, then the voters are not all Maronites and Christians.And if part of the responsibility for the presidential vacancy is borne by the Christian leaders, then the greater responsibility rests with others.Because Christians differ over the identity of the President while others differ over the identity of the Republic.So we are keen not to harm an identity that does not The President, nor the Republic, because they are a guarantee for the unity of Lebanon and the entity in light of the internal and foreign projects that put Lebanon on the morgue without any regard for the history and specificity of this nation. Lebanon is not a system that is transmitted from one team to another, but rather a nation that is transmitted from generation to generation through the democratic mechanism, and nothing else. .

This talk was read by opposition political sources through the “central” repositioning of the presidential sponsor. After some voices calling for Christian-Christian dialogue pressed the edifice to take the initiative in this direction, the shepherd, after a series of contacts he made last week, most notably with a delegation of “my forces” that visited him on Tuesday, began to tell everyone that the crisis is not Christian-Christian only: Just as There are Christians who are obstructing and others who are voting. There are also Muslims who are obstructing and others who are voting. If a Christian is dissolved, this does not necessarily mean that elections will take place. The patriarch alluded to one of the most important obstacles to the election, insinuating from Hezbollah’s channel, which does not like the current and historical “Lebanon identity”, and does not like its strategic location or role in the region, and looks forward to changing it and sees the vacancy as an opportunity for that.

But did Al-Rahi completely abandon the idea of ​​moving to the presidency? Not necessarily either, the sources say, but he wants a successful movement that, by its end, will be able to achieve a breach in the thick wall of vacancy, and this requires, in his opinion, and according to what he said in his Sunday sermon, an initiative or a “national” awakening of conscience, not just a Christian one. Sources conclude.


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