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Mark Zuckerberg Intentions to Change Facebook Name, Here’s the Change Schedule


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Nextren.com – The big plan seems to be prepared by the social media giant Facebook.

A report from The Verge states that CEO Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg intention to change the name Facebook soon.

In the information that is spread, it is also predicted that the schedule of changes that will be carried out by Facebook.

Aim Mark Zuckerberg Changing the name of the social media platform that was created in 2004 was allegedly due to his desire to build a metaverse.

Metaverse itself is a virtual reality platform that will make the user experience more immersive with a three-dimensional view.

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With the changes to be made Facebook It is also possible that in the future the company will become the umbrella of a number of social media that it currently has.

As we know it, Facebook Inc. is the owner and developer of Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and many more apps.

And Mark Zuckerberg also teased fans of the tech world with his statement last July.


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